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总体情况今年是国企实现扭亏脱困、建立现代企业制度三年目标的关键一年。为了准确把握全国企业界对我国改革开放政策的评价,了解企业的呼声,反映企业经营者对国企改革建设性意见,为国企三年脱困献计献策,中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会联合全国各省、自治区、直辖市长协和全国性企业团体在全国范围内组织开展了千家国有企业经营者问卷调查。本次调查历时2个月,共发出调查问卷3000 份,回收有效问卷1235份,有效回收率41.2%。问卷由被调查企业的法人代表(董事长、总经理或厂长)填写。调查范围覆盖全国30个省、自治区、直辖市,涉及采掘、制造、煤炭、电力、建筑、交通运输、邮电通讯、商业服务、房地产、外贸及公用事业等行业,全部为国有或国有控股企业。样本企业的分布有较强的代表性,能够反映目前国有企业的总体情况。 The overall situation This year is a crucial year for the state-owned enterprises to achieve their three-year goal of turning around deficits and extricating themselves from difficulties and establishing a modern enterprise system. In order to accurately grasp the evaluation of China's reform and opening-up policy by the business community across the country, understand the voices of enterprises, reflect the constructive opinions of business operators on the reform of state-owned enterprises, offer advice and suggestions for the state-owned enterprises to extricate themselves from difficulties in three years, and jointly organize the China Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneur Association Autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the national enterprise groups organized a nationwide questionnaire survey of a thousand state-owned enterprise operators. The survey lasted two months, a total of 3,000 questionnaires were issued, valid questionnaires 1235 were recovered, the effective recovery rate of 41.2%. The questionnaire is completed by the legal representative (chairman, general manager or director) of the surveyed enterprise. The survey covers 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. All industries involved in the mining, manufacturing, coal, electricity, construction, transportation, post and telecommunications, commercial services, real estate, foreign trade and public utilities are all state-owned or state-controlled enterprises. The distribution of sample enterprises is fairly representative and can reflect the current situation of state-owned enterprises.
春节前的一天,妈妈听说娃哈哈童装专卖店的衣服在打折,就带我去买衣服。一进店就看见大大的海报上写着:“购物满150元立减50元!”  “月月,今天你自己选衣服,但是有一个条件,你选的衣服要做到最划算!”妈妈就是这样,给我买衣服也要考我!这简单,我一眼就相中一件858元的紫罗兰色的格子羽绒服,我在心里算计着:150元就能省50元,858元里有5个150元,也就是能省250元,对了,858元-250元=
表扬信通常由标题、抬头、正文、结尾和落款五部分构成。一、标题一般而言,表扬信标题单独由文种名称“表扬信”组成,位置在第一行正中。 The letter of recognition usuall
增收是企业扭亏解围而普遍采取的办法,而增加收入的关键在于扩大销售。掐一部电话,减一部小车,关掉多余的水龙头、电灯等只是一种节支 Increasing income is a common appro
在工资表技术中,需要解决两个核心的操作问题:  1.如何按照指定的月份,自动生成应发工资员工名单的问题。  2.如何在员工存在异动(调岗、调薪、转正、参保)的情况下,按照指定月份,准确取得员工当期最新数据(当期调整的部门、薪酬、职级等)的问题。  解决这两个问题,是高效制作工资表的核心问题,我在工资表技术中给出了一个解决方案,希望抛砖引玉,对广大读者有所启发和帮助。在这篇文章中我们先来谈一下第一个