Let Accidents Retreat

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  On August 29, 2015, Miao Wei,Minister of Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in the 16th meeting of NPC Standing Committee that after the explosion in Tianjin, different provinces have reported their relocation and transformation plans of dangerous chemicals enterprises, involving more than 1000 chemical enterprises and 400 billion RMB relocation cost. Undoubtedly, relocation and transformation are huge projects, but can bring hope to change the current safety situation of hazardous chemicals industry.
  Urgent adjustment of industry structure
  To various problems existed in this industry, Liu Yuhang advised that we should learn developed countries’ advanced experience, strengthen the research of relevant technologies and policies, improve regulation and standard system and management mechanism, strengthen law enforcement, regulate market behavior, stress policy guidance, accelerate the development of professional logistic company, promote the application of advanced technologies. He further suggested lifting the ban of vehicle loaded with hazardous chemicals driving on highways and allowing such vehicles with qualifications and safeguards to move on highway, abolish "the transport permit of hazardous chemicals" and issue unified traffic permit.
  In addition, Liu Yuhang believes that adjustment of industry structure in in urgent. "Improving informality of vehicles used for chemicals and increasing the safety of transportation are what we have to do." To achieve this goal, the fundamental measure is to change the current industry situation of "small-scaled, scattered, and disordered", increase concentration, promote integrity, eliminate illegal small business and help form leading enterprises.
  He also pointed out that combination is not the best way for integrity. Next, Hazardous Branch of SAWS will establish credit system for drivers, promote the implementation of community standards, set up regional highway freight reference index, and PMI of chemical industry to guide and lead the integrity of the whole industry to be more standardized and lage-scale.
  Reform the punishment system can also help adjust the industry structure. "In our country, the vehicle will be released after fining, while once being found violating regulations abroad, the vehicle will be detained. Then the administration departments will investigate, rectify and reform or shut down involved companies." Liu believes that introducing foreign punishment system can prevent small business from exploit the advantage and can provide good environment for the development of specialized enterprises.   At present, when traffic accidents with hazardous chemicals happened, accident handling teams are formed by involved companies. With the increasing transportation of hazardous chemicals, Liu suggested that in the future the government can help involved companies with subsidies to promote further improvement of rescue system.
  Strengthening administration: government priority
  In fact, regulating departments has already realized the potential risks and started rectification. Security Committee of the State Council issued two notification in a row requiring to start inspection and regulation. In terms of the problems existed, Li Wanchun, Statistics Division Director of SAWS said that strengthening safety administration of hazardous chemicals would be the priority of this year. The next step will focus on rectifying insufficient space between chemicals industry and personnel intensive areas, and will take 3 measures to address problems:
  First, carry out large-scale safety inspection focusing on hazardous chemicals, mainly crack down on illegal and special operations, an rectify the problem of insufficient safety space between chemicals enterprises and personnel intensive areas.
  Second, strengthen law enforcement and inspection, concern hot work operation, flow backward operation and other special operations. Also, strictly investigate accidents and withdraw or withhold safety production license of businesses causing casualties. Make economic punishment according to the upper limit.
  Third, learn from experience, improve and perfect management system and administration mechanism, implement involved enterprises and territorial governments’ responsibility.
  Vice Chairman of Yueyang Municipal Committee of Hunan Province pointed out that each department needs to stress its function and strengthen supervision on production. Safety production committee need to play its role and report situation on safety on the meeting every quarter, negotiate to solve existed problems according to different functions of departments, and make feedback. Relevant departments strictly apply safety production license policies, conduct regular elimination of safety licensing, and resolutely shut down unlicensed manufacturers; standardize administrative licensing agencies’ service. Before issuing licenses to newly established enterprises, relevant departments should conduct co-check on business, EIA, fire protection, weather and earthquake resistance ability. Establish the mechanism of training-licensing-post accessing for equipment, conduct safety assessment to in-service production equipment, make regular maintenance and set up maintenance accounts strictly following requirements. Relevant departments introduce chemical enterprises and new companies to chemical industry park, urge production enterprises improve their emergency plans, and strengthen rescue drills; encourage enterprises to conduct safety technology research and qualified enterprises to form professional rescue teams.   Also, supporting facilities need to be improved to enhance storage capacity. Urban development plans need to contain chemical industry development plan, explicitly stipulate the ratio and sites of hazardous chemicals storage land in overall industrial land, ensure warehousing enterprises can meet the storage capacity of local hazardous chemicals. By tracking assessment and performance evaluation and other measures, relevant departments clean-up, rectify and optimize existing warehouse and dock. Encourage mergers and acquisitions among storage companies to achieve intensive and standardized operation, and to attract more social capital to participate. Build regional storage and trading centers to divide trading and storage apart and to achieve chain management mode of hazardous chemicals, holding all the chains of production, transportation, storage, trading and using, and controlling the dynamic movements of chemicals in the process to realize mutual supervision and constraint.
  In addition, promote special rectification to ensure transportation safety. Comprehensively sort out the status quo of illegal piping, formulate improving measures to potential risks, and make a clear timetable for the work progress. In terms of major projects in contrast to pipelines, develop preventive measures and monitoring plans. Resolutely remove illegal construction and regularly carry out legal education to residents along pipelines. Departments of land and resource, planning and construction should strictly examine and approve, shall not alter the nature of the land along pipelines. In accordance with the rule of "who is in charge, who will be in response", establish accountability system. Standardize qualification management of dangerous goods vehicles, clearly define responsibilities of corporate access, driving, handling, cleaning and other aspects. Gradually build specialized parks in county level. With various information technologies as visual remote mobile monitor, multi-platform information sharing, and e-waybill, enter the information of transportation enterprises and vehicles of hazardous chemicals into information management system, achieving seamless integration of people, vehicle, goods, state, direction and method to eliminate blind regulatory spots.
  Several countries’ logistics management experience
  As early as 100 years age, US had legislation on hazardous chemicals logistics. In 1908, US promulgated "Promotion Law on Interstate Commerce and Dangerous Goods Safe Transportation". In 1990s, it promulgated "49 Code of Federal Regulations-Hazardous Substances Rules". "US Code" enacted by the Congress clearly entrust the logistics management of hazardous chemicals to the US Department of Transportation. Staff responsible for hazardous chemicals logistics must accept relevant training.   In Japan, apart from detail regulations on hazardous chemicals storage, transportation and processing in "Fire Law", it also introduced "Basic Norms on Handling and Transporting Dangerous Goods". According to these two regulations, in undertaking the transportation of hazardous chemicals, the logistics company should put the chemicals into statutory container following technical standards. Before driving, operation manager should check again chemicals’ name, number and precautions put in the record tag outside of the containers.
  In Germany, "Relevant Regulations on Road Transportation of Dangerous Good in Germany" clearly lists the specific requirements of dangerous goods packaging, storage, handling, carrying, waybill filling, transporting and other sectors, and also lists concrete functions and responsibilities of consignor, packer, loader, carrier, driver, security counselor, document clerk, business manager and other personnel. Besides, Germany has established security counselor system, forming an overall training mechanism. It also has the department specialized in researching and testing quality of packaging material of dangerous goods.
  Canada has promulgated "Dangerous Goods Transportation Act", "Dangerous Goods Transportation Code" and others laws. Besides, its Ministry of Transportation has developed "Emergency Guidelines for Dangerous Goods". Playing the coordinating role, its federal government cooperated with the states to form general bills. "Dangerous Goods Transportation Act" is not only involve shipper, carrier, handling personnel, central and local governments, but also includes the relevant personnel impacting logistics safety and convenience of hazardous chemicals. It greatly emphasizes shippers’ responsibility.
The beautiful land of Ireland has bred many talented poets as well as touching legend that it is the hometown of famous poet, playwright and proser William Butler Yeats. It is also the birthplace of M
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儿时夏夜,我们总能在没有照明的漆黑草丛间发现点点萤火,“腾空类星陨,拂树若花生。”然而,不记得何时起,这些翩然舞动的小精灵在城市里隐匿了踪迹,再进入公众视野,却是因为遍地开花的“萤火虫主题公园”和随之而来的舆论争议。  萤火虫公园 or“萤火虫坟墓”  随着生活水平的提高,愈来愈多的人开始追求生活的品质与乐趣,“观萤”这项古老而浪漫的活动重新进入了人们的视线。  2013年,一组有关南京紫金山麓萤
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6月30日,大悟县引智示范基地的负责人黄家厚驱车400多公里,从位于宜都市的湖北种羊场高高兴兴地拉回了4只从澳大利亚引进的波尔山羊种羊。这4只纯种波尔山羊种羊,是湖北省外国专家局为扶持大悟县的波尔山羊养殖业,拨出专款从湖北省畜牧局下属的种羊场为县引智示范基地选购的。说起湖北省外国专家局对大悟县养羊业的支持,还得追溯到4年前。  2005年,全党开展共产党员先进性教育活动,湖北省外事办公室选定大悟县