“这是很奇怪的一年。”谈起过去的2004年,万科董事长王石如此总结。均瑶集团董事长王均瑶英年早逝;伊利集团董事长郑俊怀、创维集团董事长黄宏生均因涉嫌挪用公款分别被内地和香港警方拘捕……2005 年伊始,又传来数位创业者自杀的消息。而在这新的2006年年初,上海中发电气集团公司董事长南民因突发急性脑血栓,经抢救无效死亡。一时间,似乎变得风声鹤唳,众人欲狂。近来,我们可以看到一些出乎我们想象,甚至触目惊心的事实和数据。杨迈、王均瑶、彭作义、汤君年、陈逸飞、孙德棣、苗建中……这一长列的名字,曾经每一个都是锋芒毕露的创业精英,是企业的灵魂支柱, 更是国家“创新型”伟大战略的前驱者。如人饮水,冷暖自知。不如意事常八九,可与人言无二三。今天我们能够接触到的,也仅仅是创业者们谨慎披露的欢乐和痛苦,观者不妨放大些看。
“This is a very strange year.” Speaking of the past 2004, Wang Shi, chairman of Vanke concluded. Wang Junyao, chairman of Junyao Group, died of an untimely death; Zheng Junhuai, chairman of Yili Group, and Huang Hongsheng, chairman of Skyworth Group, both were apprehended respectively by the mainland and Hong Kong police for embezzling public funds.... From 2005, . In this new early 2006, Shanghai Minmetals, chairman of Shanghai Power Generation Corporation, died of sudden cerebral thrombosis after rescue failed. For a time, it seems windy, people want to crazy. Recently, we can see some facts and figures that are beyond our imagination and even shocking. Yang Mai, Wang Juyao, Peng Zuoyi, Tang Junnian, Chen Yifei, Sun Dedi, Miao Jianzhong ...... The long list of names, once each one is a hard-edged entrepreneurial elite, is the soul of the pillar enterprises, but also the national “innovative ”Great strategy forerunner. only the guy drinking water knows it's cold or hot. As often as eighty-nine, with no more than three people. What we can come into contact with today is only the joys and pains revealed by the entrepreneurs cautiously. The viewer may wish to enlarge the point of view.