Can Dogs and Cats Along? 猫狗能否好好相处呢?

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  If you have brothers and sisters, you know it’s completely natural for arguments to take place from time to time.’s completely natural for arguments to take place all the time!This doesn’t mean you don’t love each other, though. It just means you spend a lot of time together and it’s only natural to have disagreements. You may even hear parents say their kids “fight like cats and dogs.” “Fighting like cats and dogs” is a common phrase that people use to mean people argue, fight or don’t get along. If you like cartoons, you’ve probably seen many that portray1 cats and dogs fighting like sworn enemies2. There have even been movies made that describe cats against dogs.
  Are cats and dogs natural enemies that can never get along? Or is there hope for a truce between the members of the feline3 and canine4 species? If you observe cats and dogs or ask people who own both cats and dogs, you will get lots of opinions on the subject. Cats and dogs will obviously fight from time to time. There is no doubt that some dogs will chase cats and maybe even harm them if given the chance. However, people who own both dogs and cats will also tell you that they can easily be trained to get along. In fact, many will show you that dogs and cats can play together and even sleep curled up5 together. As with many questions in life, there’s simply no easy answer to the question of whether dogs and cats can get along. Dogs and cats are different in many ways that can make it difficult for them to get along.
  猫和狗是永远无法和睦相处的天敌吗? 或者,猫科动物和犬科动物之间是否有休战的希望呢? 如果你观察猫和狗,或者询问既养猫又养狗的人,你会得到很多关于这个问题的看法。显然猫和狗时不时就会斗上一斗。毫无疑问,有些狗会追逐猫,一有机会甚至还会伤害它们。然而,养狗和猫的人也会告诉你,驯服它们和平共处是一件很简单的事情。事实上,很多人会告诉你,狗和猫可以一起玩耍,甚至可以蜷缩在一起睡觉。就像生活中的许多问题一样,狗和猫能否和谐相处根本没有一个简单的答案。狗和猫在许多方面都是不同的,这使得它们很难和谐相处。
  However, with patience and the right circumstances6, cats and dogs can be best friends. For example, dogs tend to be social animals that are naturally playful. Cats, on the other hand, tend to be more independent. A dog that wants to play might seem aggressive7 and intimidating8 to a cat. This may lead the cat to defend itself against an attack that’s really just a desire to play. Likewise, dogs—especially puppies—like to chase each other. It’s a fun game. Chasing cats can be just as fun as chasing other dogs...unless you’re the cat, of course. Again, cats may interpret9 such playful behavior as a threat.   然而,如果加上耐心引导和合适的环境,猫和狗可以是最相亲相爱的好伙伴。例如,狗往往是天生喜欢嬉戏的群居动物。而另一方面,猫更喜欢独来独往。一只渴求玩耍的狗可能看起来很有攻击性,这对猫来说很吓人。这可能会导致猫咪防御“攻击”,而这“攻击”其实只是狗想寻求玩伴的表现。同樣地,狗——尤其是小狗——喜欢互相追逐。这是一个有趣的游戏。而追赶猫对它们来说和追赶别的狗一样有趣……虽然猫并不这么想。同样地,猫也会把这种顽皮的行为理解为一种威胁。
  Even something dogs and cats have in common—tails—can make things confusing. When a dog wags10 its tail, it’s sending a friendly message: “I’m happy. Let’s play.” Cats, however, wag their tails when they’re angry. You can see how this might lead cats and dogs to become confused if they’re facing each other with wagging tails!Although dogs and cats aren’t really natural mortal enemies, dogs are hunters by nature. This means that they might hunt and chase anything that moves—including a cat. This natural behavior that could cause problems between dogs and cats can be controlled by special training—called socialization11—when the animals meet for the first time. Although there are many natural barriers12 to interaction13 between cats and dogs, it is possible for them to get along. It just takes time, patience and a desire for harmony. And even if they get along for a while, it doesn’t mean that they won’t fight from time to time—just like you and your brothers and sisters!
  1. portray v. 描述
  2. sworn enemy天敌
  3. feline n. 猫科动物
  4. canine n. 犬科动物
  5. curl up 蜷缩起来
  6. circumstance n. 环境
  7. aggressive adj. 有进取心的;侵略性的
  8. intimidating adj. 吓人的
  9. interpret v. 解释
  10. wag v. 摇动
  11. socialization n. 社会化
  12. barrier n. 障碍
  13. interaction n. 互动
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摘要:以精熟教学策略为指导,尝试探讨物质的量、摩尔质量这一知识点的教学。文中提出了一种新的思路,即摒弃传统课堂教学中重概念轻练习的做法,而是反其道行之重练习轻概念,甚至“消灭”物质的量这一概念。虽然可能会导致在某一阶段解题时出现概念上的误判,但是从长远来看这点误判完全不是问题。因为那些学生出现误判的题目,纯粹是就概念而考概念的题,根本不符合化学用于解决实际问题这一思路。  关键词:物质的量;摩尔质
张超 男,河北省衡水市阜城县第四中学高级英语教师,市英语优秀教师,县骨干教师。从事英语教育教学工作31年。多年来,在省级以上报刊《中学生英语》《学英语》《英语周报》《中学生英语读写》《中学英语园地》《英语辅导》《校园英语》等发表文章数百篇,并有多篇论文获奖。曾参与《天天向上》《三维方案》等高中版教辅资料的编写工作,并荣获“中央教育科学研究所全国基础教育科研先进个人”荣誉称号。多次辅导学生在省、市和
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Ⅰ. 找出下列字母在字母表中的左邻右舍。(10分)  1. __ y __2. __ r __3. __ f __  4. __ i __5. __ m __  Ⅱ. 用大写或小写字母重新写出下列单词。 (10分)  6. bed _______7. china ______  8. hello ________9. hand _______  10. morning _______11. DOG
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Gifts are a way for people to show love. It’s fun to get a gift and think about what’s in it. The gift can be anything, your favorite CD, a book, clothes, delicious food and so on. Getting a gift can
摘要:以一节化学双语活动课为例,展示了如何利用网络上的双语资源和实践中的双语教学经验更好地开展化学双语教学。在此基础上,还探讨和思考了进行化学双语教学应注意的问题和解决策略。  关键词: 活动课程;化学双语教学;双语教学资源  文章编号:1008-0546(2011)01-0050-02中图分类号:G632.41文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2011.
圣彼得堡(旧称:列宁格勒和彼得格勒)位于俄罗斯西北部波罗的海沿岸,是列宁格勒州的首府,也是仅次于莫斯科的俄罗斯第二大城市。风光旖旎的圣彼得堡因而有“北方威尼斯”的美誉。因其地处北纬60度,每年的5月至8月城市中几乎没有黑夜,它是世界上少数具有白夜(不夜城)的城市之一。  圣彼得堡的名称来自于三个不同的起源:“圣”—源自于拉丁文,意味“神圣的”,“彼得”—耶稣的弟子圣徒之名,在希腊语上解释为“石头”