当历史跨进1976年的时候,我们的党和国家已处于危难、多灾之际,国民经济已到了崩溃的边缘。亿万人民都在为党和国家的前途感到无比忧虑。 1月8日上午,我们敬爱的周恩来总理与世长辞。当我听到这不幸的消息时,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。当这不幸的消息得到证实后,我再也无法抑制自己的感情,陷入了极大的悲痛之中。
When history crossed into 1976, our party and our country were already in danger. On the occasion of the disaster, the national economy has come to the brink of collapse. Hundreds of millions of people are extremely worried about the future of the party and the country. On the morning of January 8, our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai delivered his speech. When I heard this unfortunate news, I could not believe my ears. When this unfortunate news was confirmed, I could no longer restrain my feelings and fell into great sorrow.