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今年是建国四十周年大庆,也是人民电影的四十大庆。摆在我们面前的一个重大任务,是要认真地准确地总结这四十年的经验、成绩和教训、失误,分辨清楚哪些是该继承发扬的,哪些是该否定扬弃的,是要从过去和现在还在困惑我们的问题中解脱出来。这四十年分成很明显的三个阶段:“文化大革命”前的十七年,“文革”的十年浩劫,和三中全会以来这段新时期。三个时期各有各的经验教训,都需要好好地总结。这不只是研究电影理论、编写电影史的人的任务,也不只是领导电影事业的人的任务。而是每个电影工作者,特别是电影创作人员所必须面对的任务。“文革”前的十七年中,有正确路线占上风的时候,也有“左”的路线干扰的时候,而“左”的干 This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It is also the 40th anniversary of the people’s movie. A major task before us is to conscientiously and accurately summarize the experience, achievements and lessons learned in these 40 years, make mistakes, and distinguish clearly which ones should be inherited and carried forward and what should be negated and discarded from the past and It is still puzzled by the liberation of our problems. These four decades are divided into three phases that are obvious: the 17 years before the “Cultural Revolution”, the 10-year Holocaust of the “Cultural Revolution” and the new period since the Third Plenary Session. Each of the three periods has its own lessons, which needs to be well summarized. This is not just the task of those who study the theory of cinema, the history of cinema, nor the tasks of those who lead the film industry. It is a task that every movie worker, especially a movie creator, must face. In the 17 years before the “Cultural Revolution”, when the right course gained the upper hand, there was also a time when the course of the “left” was disrupted, while that of the “left”
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记者10月30日从民政部2018年第四季度例行新闻发布会上获悉,截至今年9月底,全国共有城乡低保对象4619.9万人,农村低保平均标准已达每人每年4754元。 民政部新闻发言人张卫星
This figure stele was unearthed from the late 1970’s and was now broken into three pieces.On the face of the table, there are fore Buddhas images in the be ni