例1:男,4岁.主因玩耍时误将做针线活的顶针咽下,恶心、呕吐、咽痛、吞咽困难二小时,于1989年7月3日急症就诊。检查:口咽部未见异物.X 线透视:于食道上段可见一图形密度增高阴影。即在局麻下行食道镜检查,但未发现异物,再次透视见异物仍在原位置,第二次食道镜检查仍未见异物,第三次透视发现异物位于鼻咽部偏左侧、行鼻咽部触诊,探及一环形异物,取出直径约为2cm 之金属顶针.
Example 1: Male, 4 years old The main accidental swallowing thimble swallowing, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, difficulty swallowing for two hours, during the play, was taken on 3 July 1989. Check: no foreign body in oropharynx X-ray: visible in the upper esophagus, a pattern of increased density shadow. That under local anesthesia esophagoscopy, but no foreign body, see again foreign body is still in its original position, the second esophagealoscopy has not seen foreign body, the third perspective found that foreign body is located in the left side of the nasopharynx nasopharyngeal line Department palpation, exploration and a ring of foreign body, remove the diameter of about 2cm of the metal thimble.