Aortic dissection occurs when layers of the aorticwalls are separated by the blood flow through anintimal tear.Dissection of the aorta most frequentlyoriginates in the ascending aorta (70%),followed by thedescending aorta (22%),the aortic arch (7%) and theabdominal aorta (1/%).The dissection limited to theabdominal aorta is rare.An isolated abdominal aorticdissection (IAAD) concomitant with an abdominal aorticaneurysm (AAA) is uncommon.We present here onepatient with IAAD and AAA treated by endovasculartherapy.
Aortic dissection occurs when layers of the aortic walls are separated by the blood flow through an aniinal tear. Dissection of the aorta most frequentlyoriginates in the ascending aorta (70%), followed by the descending aorta (22%), the aortic arch (7%) and The dissection limited to the abdominal aorta is rare. An isolated abdominal aortic segment (IAAD) concomitant with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is uncommon. We present here onepatient with IAAD and AAA treated by endovasculartherapy.