
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scutzq
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自全球能源互联网发展构想提出以来,洲内区域电力联网发展也逐步升温。东北亚区域电力联网作为全球能源互联网的重要组成部分,在区域内主要成员国的政府机构、电力主管部门、行业组织、电力企业、专家学者的共同推动下,有关东北亚电力联网的研究逐步深入。各成员国对区域电力联网的可行性、联网路径、发展方向以及应对措施等方面进行了研究,并形成了一系列成果。对大规模开发、传输和使用清洁能源,推动东北亚区域电力联网,区域内主要成员国已初步达成共识。在理论研究、技术发展的支撑下,东北亚区域电力互联互通基础良好,并初具规模。 Since the concept of global energy Internet development was proposed, intra-continent power network development is also gradually warming up. Northeastern Asia Regional Power Grid As an important component of the global energy Internet, with the joint efforts of government agencies, power authorities, industry organizations, power companies and experts and scholars of major member countries in the region, the research on power grid interconnection in Northeast Asia has been gradually deepened . All member states conducted a study on the feasibility of regional power interconnection, networking path, development direction and response measures, and formed a series of achievements. For large-scale development, transmission and use of clean energy and promote Northeast Asia regional power network, the major member states in the region have reached initial consensus. With the support of theoretical research and technological development, the power interconnection and interoperability in Northeast Asia is well-established and has begun to take shape.
慢性肾功能不全即慢性肾衰竭(chronic renal failure,CRF),是肾脏发生慢性进行性损伤,而肾脏萎缩、基本功能损失,患者表现为水、酸碱、电解质失衡,代谢产物潴留及全身性受累
“两个必然”是马克思恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中敲响的资本主义丧钟。虽然目前世界社会主义运动处于低潮, 资本主义仍有相当活力,但是只要我们辩证阅读《共产党宣言》,把马克