在 1 93 1年因蒋介石扣押胡汉民引起的宁粤对峙事件中 ,国民党内反蒋势力结成空前未有的大联盟。因此 ,蒋介石也一改以往武力镇压为主的做法 ,而始终力求通过政治手段解决。特别是“九·一八”事变后 ,面对外侮和全国人民要求一致对外的呼声 ,宁粤双方被迫和解 ,在上海召开和谈会议。和谈期间 ,蒋介石利用所掌握的政治资源 ,最大限度地稳定了自己的权力结构 ,并不断地分化各派反蒋势力的联盟。上海和谈是宁粤对峙事件的一个重要分水岭 ,在此前后国民党内各政治派系又经历了一次新的分化组合。
In the confrontation between Ning and Yue caused by Chiang Kai-shek’s arrest of Hu Han-min in 1993, the anti-Chiang Kai-shek forces in the Kuomintang formed an unprecedented alliance. Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek also changed the previous suppression of armed force and always sought to resolve it through political means. Especially after the “September 18 Incident”, in the face of the calls for a unanimous foreign call from the entire nation and the unanimity of the entire nation, both Ningyue and Guangdong were forced to reconciliation and hold peace talks in Shanghai. During the peace talks, Chiang Kai-shek utilized the political resources he held to maximize the stability of his power structure and constantly differentiate the anti-Chiang coalition forces. The peace talks in Shanghai are an important watershed in the confrontation between Ningxia and Guangdong. Before and after this, the political parties within the Kuomintang underwent another new differentiation and combination.