为纪念鲁迅先生诞辰 1 2 0周年 ,三年前就开始筹划鲁迅文集的出版。当时我约请了鲁迅博物馆的周楠本先生担任选编注释工作。编注体例是我与周先生反复讨论研究后才定下来的 ,这便是后来经过简化放在书前的《出版说明》。文集分两卷 :小说散文卷和杂文卷。在选目上 ,集子对鲁迅
To commemorate the 120th anniversary of Mr. Lu Xun’s birth, Lu Xun’s anthology began to be published three years ago. At that time, I invited Mr. Zhou Nanben of Luxun Museum to be the editor-in-chief of the editorial work. The compilation method was set up after I discussed the research with Mr. Zhou repeatedly. This is the “publishing explanation” which was simplified before the book. The essay consists of two volumes: fiction essay volume and essay volume. In the election of the title, set the pair of Lu Xun