“2050年,美国的经济规模是现在的1.58倍,届时石油、煤炭和核能将彻底退出能源市场,取而代之的是天然气和风能太阳能等可再生能源,在改变能源结构过程中不仅不用多花钱,而且还可以节省5万亿美元的投资。”这是卢安武(Amory Lovins)先生的一段话。作为美国洛矶山研究院创始人、主席和首席科学家,近日他在北京做了几场题为《重新发明火》的演讲。文章开篇这段话是他在演讲中给听众描绘的图像。他的逻辑是,汽车运输、家居和办公室耗能以及工厂生产消费了美国绝大部分的能源,但是汽车工业
“By 2050, the U.S. economy is now 1.58 times as large as the time when petroleum, coal and nuclear energy will completely withdraw from the energy market and replace them with renewable energy such as natural gas and wind and solar energy. Not only will it not be cost-effective to change the energy structure, But also save about $ 5 trillion in investment. ”This is Mr. Amory Lovins’s remark. As the founder, chairman and chief scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute, he recently made several speeches in Beijing titled “Re-inventing Fire.” The opening words of the article are the images he portrayed to the audience in his speech. His logic is that most energy is consumed in the United States for motor transport, home and office energy consumption, and factory production, but the automotive industry