神奇的压电塑料膜可把小提琴内弦线的振动转换成无失真的电信号送入高保真度放大器。大半身瘫痪的病人皱皱眉毛 ,贴在面部的压电塑料条便可把动作转换成电信号通知护士。所有这些塑料膜都是由聚偏氟乙烯 (PVDF)制成的。这种塑料膜在受到机械振动或红外线照射时会产生电效应
Magical piezoelectric plastic film can be violin violin vibration into the distortion-free electrical signals into the high-fidelity amplifier. Mostly paralyzed patients frowned, affixed to the face of the piezoelectric plastic strips can be converted into electrical signals to inform the nurse. All of these plastic films are made of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). This plastic film is electrically activated by mechanical vibration or infrared radiation