5月21日,是东北机场联盟成立两周年的日子。两年来,联盟优势开始得以显现,盟内各机场总航空旅客吞吐量、航班起降架次、联盟机场间互飞航线、联盟机场间互飞旅客吞吐量、互飞航班量等重要指标都得到了大幅提升。尤其是作为机场联盟发起单位的大连机场,在201 0年11月29日年旅客吞吐量迈入千万级机场行列以来,这一迅猛发展势头一直不减。今年1-4月,累计旅客吞吐量、货邮吞吐量、航班起降架次分别为325.1万人次、4.2万吨、2.8万架次,同比增长6.9%、3%、1.4%,距离东北亚门户枢纽机场的目标又近了一步。
May 21, is the second anniversary of the establishment of the Northeast Airport Alliance day. Over the past two years, the coalition advantage has begun to emerge. Important indicators such as total air passenger throughput, flight movements and flights between Union airports, inter-airport passenger throughput, inter-airline flights and other important indicators have been obtained Dramatically improved. In particular, as the airport airport sponsor of Dalian Airport, in the November 29, 2010 annual passenger throughput into the tens of millions of airport ranks, the rapid development momentum has not diminished. From January to April this year, the cumulative passenger throughput, cargo and mail throughput, and flight movements were 3.251 million, 42,000 and 28,000 respectively, up 6.9%, 3% and 1.4% from the same period of previous year, The airport’s goal is a step closer.