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我国改革开放初期,针对当时水利工作普遍存在的重建设轻管理、重大型轻小型、重骨干轻配套、重工程轻实效等问题,全国水利工作的着重点逐渐从抓建设新工程转移到抓管理、注重发挥现有水利工程的效益上来。在国家大幅度压缩基本建设投资的情况下,全国各地积极改革水利投入方式,实行分级负担,依靠社会力量多层次、多渠道集资办水利,加强已建工程的配套和更新改造,全面推进水利经营管理工作,水利工程的综合效益得到了显著提高。但因水利投资相对减少,水利工程面临老化失修、效益衰减和北方水资源短缺等问题,全国水利形势仍然不容乐观。 In the initial stage of China’s reform and opening up, the focus of water conservancy work in China gradually shifted from grasping new construction projects to grasping the management of water conservancy projects in light of the common problems of rebuilding, building light and small, , Pay attention to play the benefits of existing water conservancy project. Under the condition of drastically reducing capital investment by the state, various means of water conservancy investment are actively reformed in all parts of the country, grading the burden of grading, relying on social forces at various levels and in multiple channels to raise funds for water conservancy projects, strengthening the matching and upgrading of existing projects and promoting water conservancy management Management, water conservancy project has been significantly improved the overall efficiency. However, due to the relative decrease in water resources investment, water conservancy projects are facing problems such as aging disrepair, declining benefits and water shortage in the north. The situation of water conservancy in China is still not optimistic.
目的:探讨新疆地区维吾尔族、汉族脑啡肽酶基因(Neprilysin,NEP)单核苷酸多态性与阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease AD)的关系。方法:对新疆地区维吾尔族、汉族≥50岁8284
目的 探讨不同浓度罗哌卡因经蛛网膜下腔阻滞应用于剖宫产手术的麻醉效果。方法 选取我院2016年1月~2017年2月行剖宫产手术的120例产妇作为研究对象,依据处理方法差异分为高