Pediatric Menetrier’s disease (MD) is an uncommon, acute, self-limited hypertrophic gastropathy characterized by enlarged gastric folds associated with epithelial hyperplasia and usually accompanied by protein losing gastropathy. Gastric cytomegalovirus infection is found in one third of MD children and its treatment is often associated with remission. Diagnosis often requires fullthickness biopsy due to inability to detect typical histological findings with conventional endoscopic biopsy. We report an uncommon case of non self-limited pediatric MD needing endoscopic mucosal resection for diagnosis which was then successfully treated with octreotide long-acting release (LAR). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first pediatric MD case successfully treated with octreotide LAR. Our experience suggests octreotide LAR as treatment for refractory MD before gastrectomy.
Pediatric Menetrier’s disease (MD) is an uncommon, acute, self-limited hypertrophic gastropathy characterized by enlarged gastric folds associated with epithelial hyperplasia and usually accompanied by protein losing gastropathy. Gastric cytomegalovirus infection is found in one third of MD children and its treatment is often associated with remission. Diagnosis often requires full thickness of biopsy due to inability to detect typical histological findings with conventional endoscopic biopsy. We report an uncommon case of non self-limited pediatric MD needing endoscopic mucosal resection for diagnosis which was successfully treated with octreotide long-acting To the best of our knowledge, this is the first pediatric MD case successfully treated with octreotide LAR. Our experience suggests octreotide LAR as treatment for refractory MD before gastrectomy.