“枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯”。年关将近时,身在都市机关从事档案工作的我接到了妻子从遥远的山区小镇打来的长途电话,她问我有什么感受没有,我便哽咽着背诵了马致远的这首元曲,于是电话端便传来了妻子和孩子的抽泣声…… 在这远离乡村的大都市里,尽管年关将近,但却见不到都市人热热闹闹操办过年的繁忙情景。经过20多年的改革开放洗礼的都市人,如今吃有红火的酒家、美食城,玩有富丽堂皇的夜总会卡拉OK
“Withered old tree faint crows, bridges people .West Westerly thin horse. Sunset, heartbroken people in the world.” At the close of the year, I was engaged in archival work in the urban authorities and I received a long-distance phone call from my wife in a distant mountain town. She asked me if I had any feelings and I choked and recited Ma Zhiyuan’s first verse. The wailing of wives and children came from the telephone ... In this cosmopolitan city far from the countryside, despite the approaching years, there was no rush to see the bustling city people busy with the New Year. After more than 20 years of reform and opening up the baptism of urban people, now eat the booming restaurant, gourmet city, playing palatial nightclub karaoke OK