外研版英语必修三 Module 1 Europe (Reading) 教学设计

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  Module 1 Europe
  Period Two: Reading
  Learning aims
  1.To learn to read passages with passive voice (present and past forms) about European cities
  2.To learn to read with strategies
  Teaching content
  1.Reading and vocabulary learning
  Teaching focus and difficulties
  1.The students can practice reading strategies and have some information about European cities
  2.The student grasp how to describe location.
  Teaching methods:
  Task-based reading , pair-work& group-work
  Teaching procedures and designs:
  Step 1: Warming up by talking about some European cities (4minutes)
  Athens /'?θnz / n.雅典
  Lisbon / 'lizbn/ 里斯本
  Madrid / m'drid / n.馬德里
  Rome / rum / n.罗马
  Step 2: Introduction(P1) (7minutes)
  Step 3: Describing location (P4) (8minutes)
  A is/lies 介词 of  B
  in  常指在某一范围内 ; to  常指超出了某一范围,没有所属关系; on  强调两者毗邻,接壤。
  Do exercise 2,4 on page 4.
  Write sentences to describe geographical area of China.
  Example: Chongqing is situated on the Yangtze River.
  Step 4: Before reading (2minutes)
  Pictures are shown on the screen and arose a free talk
  Eg. Which of them would you most like to visit?
  Step 5: Skimming (10minutes)
  1.choose the right answer
  1). The topic sentence of Paragraph One is          .
  A. 1st sentence         B. 2nd sentence
  C. 3rd sentence      D. the last sentence
  2). Which of the following is NOT a capital city?
  A. Paris.                    B. Barcelona.
  C. Madrid.       D. Athens.
  3). If you’re interested in the Renaissance, you’d better visit        .
  A. Paris                           B. Barcelona
  C. Florence             D. Athens
  2. Answer the questions .(discuss in groups)
  1.Which of the cities are capital cities?
  2.Which one is situated on the coast?
  3.Which is famous for its places to eat?   4.Which one are or were important cities for writers and artists?
  5.Which was the world’s greatest city a long time ago?
  Step 6: Scanning (10minutes)
  1. Reading comprehension
  1). The famous symbol of Pairs is _____.
  A. the Church of the Sagrada Familia
  B. the Parthenon
  C. The Uffizi Palace
  D. the Eiffel Tower
  2). Barcelona is the second largest city of _____.
  A. France                   B. Spain
  C. Italy                    D. Greece
  3). The Renaissance is a great artistic movement which began in the _____ and lasted for three hundred years.
  A. 1400s                    B. 1500s
  C. 1300s                    D. 1600s
  4). Athens is known as the birthplace of _____.
  A. western civilization
  B. Antonio Gaudi
  C. Leonardo da Vinci
  D. Michelangelo
  5).About _____ of France’s artists and writers live in the largest city of France.
  A. one third         B. two thirds
  C. half                 D. one fourth
  6). Michelangelo was a great artist who _____.
  A. designed the Parthenon
  B. designed the Eiffel Tower
  C. produced many beautiful sculptures
  D. designed the Louvre
  7). Which of the following statements is NOT true?
  A. Madrid is about five hundred kilometers west of the city, Barcelona.
  B. Gaudi worked on the project the Church of the Sagrada Familia for 44 years.
  C. Athens was once the world’s most powerful city.
  D. Greece’s best writers whose works has influenced other writers ever since lived in modern Athens.
  Keys: DBCAB CD
  2.True or False
  1).The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France.
  2)There are a lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris.
  3)Barcelona is the capital of Spain.
  4)The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926.
  5) The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence.
  6) The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence.
  7) A long time ago, Athens was the world’s most powerful city.
  8) There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens.
  Step 7: Post reading (4minutes)
  1.Ex. (P3)
  2.Fill in the form
  Workbook  exercises (p68—70) Vocabulary & Reading
摘要:小学数学教学的主要任务之一就是努力激发、培养学生学习数学的兴趣,为学生创设思维的情境,使教学过程对学生始终有一种吸引力,使学生享受到学习的乐趣。数学教学是数学活动的教学,是师生之间、学生之间信息接受与反馈、交往互动与共同发展的过程。   关键词:小学数学,低年级,数学教学,情境运用   教育心理学研究表明:把思维过程“融”于情境中,学生就会对教学活动产生直接、强烈的兴趣,而兴趣是学生主
新课程物理课程标准把如何培养初中生的科学探究能力作为一项重要内容提了出来,新课标着重强调“物理课程应改变过分强调知识传承的倾向,让学生经历科学探究过程,学习科学研究方法,培养学生的探索精神、实践能力以及创新意识”。  一、应当因材施教、循循善诱,不断培养学生的质疑提问能力  在课程改革的今天,作为物理老师无论在课堂上,还是在实验操作上,都要不断努力培养学生敢于向老师提问的能力。  由于科学探究的要
《语文课程标准》指出“语文课程应培育学生热爱祖国语文的思想感情。指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国语言,丰富语言的积累,培养语感,发展思维,使他们具有适应实际需要的识字能力、阅读能力、写作能力、口语交际能力。”可见,在小学语文教学中必须重视丰富学生的语言积累,为学生正确地理解和运用祖国语言文字打下坚实的基础。那么,怎样丰富学生的语言积累呢?  一、抓好诵读感悟语言  提高学生的语文素养的常规做法是在听、
一、内容及其解析  1.内容  本节的内容如下  本节由“大气压强的存在”“ 大气压强的测量”“大气压强的应用”三部分组成,主要内容是“大气压强的测量”可以按照“实验课”的特点来进行教学设计并实施。  2.解析  本节内容是继压强、液体的压强的学习后,让学生学习大气压强。由于大气压强看不见,摸不着,教学中应尽量联系实际,通过实验和生活中的例子,证明大气压强的存在和测量大气压强的值,在分析实验现象过
孩子是国家的栋梁,祖国也需要新鲜的血液,所以,祖国的未来,离不开我们培养的孩子们。但是随着一些外来文化的入侵,我们现在很多的传统的东西,正在慢慢的消失,那想让孩子有着浓浓的爱国情,我们就要从小培养他们,热爱我们的祖国,可能说的有一些大,作为幼儿老师,我们可能也没有那么大的能力。但是我们可以靠着我们自己仅有的力量,让孩子们从小就有爱国情怀,让他们更加了解我们的祖国。  下面,我就来说一说在幼儿园工作
在小学语文教学中有两大难点,即阅读教学和写作教学。“书读百遍,其义自见”,“操千曲而后晓声,观万剑而后识器”,说的都是同一个道理,但两者都离不开其基础:朗读教学。只能把握好朗读教学与阅读教学的关联,搞好朗读,才能为阅读打下伏笔。  一、朗读教学的技巧  小学语文教学的成败一得失主要取决于朗读教学和朗读训练。“要让学生充分的读。在读中整体感知,在读中有所感悟,在读中培养语感,在读中受到情感的熏陶。”
摘要:本文通过叙述、分析法,就平时自己教学实践的亲身体验,从跑——跳——投三方面,运用“辅助练习”这一教法、在课堂学习中所起的作用;从问题的发现——反思——准备--解决到运用时的注意事项作以详述;只要教师课前根据教学内容、学情、课时逐层递进设计,就会收到良好的教学效果。  关键词:跑——跳——投 辅助练习 内容结构  “辅助练习”是体育课常见的教学手段,它是新授课不可缺少的过度性练习,为学生学习新
新课标指出“语文是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程”,可见语文教学的最终目标就是语言文字运用能力的培养和提升,因此教师要积极探索和实践提高学生语言文字运用能力的方法。  看图写话是小学生学习表达的最基础的一个环节。这个环节有一个特点,就是先看图再表达。看图是表达的前提,只有看懂图,才能进行表达。看图写话都要分三步走,一是看图,二是表达,三是写话。 在教学第四单元看图写话《神奇的鸡蛋壳》,我
一、主题的产生  回忆往事,每年过年都是我小时候最开心的事,联想到现在的孩子,他们肯定和我有一样的心情。圣诞节的第二天,我刚进班,一个小朋友们就迎上来对我说“老师,我昨天跟爸爸、妈妈去过圣诞节了,这是圣诞老人送给我的礼物。”又有几个小朋友也抢着告诉我:“我也有礼物,我有几个呢。”我问:“过节你们高兴不高兴呀?”孩子们快乐地答:“高兴!”“为什么呢?”“过节真好!我最喜欢过节了。”我说:“再过几天,