In “Manuscripts”, Marx elaborates on “alienation”, which implies a very important breakthrough. The groundbreaking meaning of this alienation must be placed in the grand context of the entire alienation of thought in the West before it can be fully highlighted. The original prototype of alienation has been implicit in the Bible: “Primitive State - Alienation - Alienation Overcome ”. Such alienated prototypes have been inherited by philosophers in modern times, such as Locke, Rousseau and others. They still follow the basic logic of “natural state - alienation ”. Marx’s alienation goes beyond the logical thinking since this “Bible” and enters into the “essence-alienation” mentality. The concept of “essence ” has a very unique meaning in Marx. By contrasting with Husserl’s “essence ” concept, we can highlight the breakthrough significance of Marx’s theory of alienation in many aspects such as “fact ”, “history ”, "value and practice .