一、引言在上一讲中 ,我们指出 :单个实验室采用CRM验证和确认测量过程的准确度水平时 ,实质上是在“重复性条件下”定量地判断测量过程的精密度水平和正确度水平。根据 1993年 7个国际组织联合制定标准发布的“测量不确定度表示指南”的规定 ,测量不确定度是定量表示一个测
I. INTRODUCTION In the previous lecture, we pointed out: When a single laboratory adopts CRM to verify and confirm the accuracy level of measurement process, it is essentially to quantitatively judge the precision level and accuracy of the measurement process in “repetitive conditions” Level. According to the “Guidelines for Expression of Measurement Uncertainty” promulgated jointly by seven international organizations in 1993, the measurement uncertainty is quantitatively expressed as a measure