4月19日早上,永仁县软木厂发生一起重大火灾,烧毁生产车间178平方米的厂房一幢、大小电机17台、碾磨机2台及粉碎机、补偿器、闸刀开关、软木原料等,造成惨痛的经济损失.据永仁县公安局消防科调查,发生这次重大火灾的原因是生产车间电线碰电起火引起.这次火灾发生后,永仁县软木厂虽有灭火机,但因不会正确使用以致关键时喷不出泡沫.虽然建有200立方米、价值一万元的防火水池,水池里面有水,却派不上用场.发生火灾时只有一个职工在上班.该车间厂房烧毁前墙壁上、电线上、屋顶上着附了厚厚一层易燃的软木粉尘.据查,永仁县软木厂在1980年就发生过一次重大火灾,造成经济损失数十万元.1993年下半年的一天 就在4月19日烧毁的这幢生产车间内,由于电线碰电起火发生过一次火警.
On the morning of April 19, a major fire broke out in the cinnabar factory in Yongren County, burning a workshop of 178 square meters in the production plant. There were 17 motor sizes, 2 grinding machines, grinder, compensator, knife switch, cork raw material Etc., resulting in painful economic losses.According to the Yongren County Public Security Bureau Fire Department investigation, the occurrence of this major fire is caused by a power plant fire broke out after the fire.After the fire, Yongren County, despite the cork fire extinguisher, However, it would not be able to produce any foam when it was not properly used and although there was 200 cubic meters of firefighting pool worth 10,000 yuan and water in the pool, it would not be able to do anything. In the event of a fire, only one worker was working. According to the investigation, there was a major fire broke out in Yongren County Cork Plant in 1980, resulting in an economic loss of hundreds of thousands of yuan One day in the second half of 1993, a fire broke out in the workshop, which was destroyed on April 19, because of a wire electric fire.