无线局域网技术具有传统局域网无法比拟的灵活性。无线局域网的通信范围不受环境条件的限制 ,网络的传输范围大大拓宽 ,最大传输范围可达几十公里。在有线局域网中 ,2个站点的距离在使用铜缆时被限制在 5 0 0m ,即使采用单模光纤也只能达到 3 0 0 0m ,而无线局域网中 2个站点间的距离目前可达到 5 0 0 0 0m ,距离数公里的建筑物中的网络可以集成为同一个局域网。此外 ,相对于有线网络 ,无线局域网的组建、配置和维护较为容易。目前 ,无线局域网主要作为有线局域网的扩展和替换 ,在有线局域网的基础上通过无线集线器、无线访问节点、无线网桥、无线网卡等设备使无线通信得以实现。无线局域网在智能小区的应用中采用无线宽带接入 ,楼间无线连接和楼内无线网络覆盖来实现丰富的个性化的宽带服务。无线局域网目前已成为网络技术与市场的一大热点。
Wireless LAN technology with traditional LAN unmatched flexibility. The wireless LAN communication range is not limited by the environmental conditions, the network transmission range is greatly broadened, the maximum transmission range up to tens of kilometers. In a wired LAN, the distance between two sites is limited to 500 meters when using copper cables, and even with single-mode optical fibers, it can only reach 3,000 meters. However, the distance between two sites in a WLAN is currently 5 0 0 0m, a few kilometers away from the building in the network can be integrated into the same LAN. In addition, relative to wired networks, WLANs are easier to set up, configure, and maintain. At present, wireless LAN is mainly used as an extension and replacement of wired LAN. Wireless LAN communication can be realized through wireless hubs, wireless access nodes, wireless bridges and wireless network cards based on the wired LAN. Wireless LAN in the application of intelligent community using wireless broadband access, wireless connection between buildings and building wireless network coverage to achieve a wealth of personalized broadband services. Wireless LAN has now become a major network technology and market hot spots.