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在全世界范围,越来越多的人们喜爱饮用味美可口的葡萄酒,而葡萄酒作为富含多种 在全世界范围,越来越多的人们喜爱饮用味美可口的葡萄酒,而葡萄酒作为富含多种有机酸,又是唯一含有碱性物质的酒类饮料,除佐餐助兴外,还有诸多妙用.●如果你感冒了,可以将一小杯红葡萄酒放在火上加热,然后在酒里打上一只鸡蛋,用筷子或埂羹匙稍加搅动即停止加热,晾温后便可饮用.这种有名的“鸡蛋酒”,是德国人医治感冒的传统方法,疗效颇佳.而在法国,要治疗感冒则是在加热后的红葡萄酒里,放一些柠檬汁和砂糖,晾至稍温徐徐饮下,效果也不错.●外出郊游时,行军壶中的特殊水臭味往往使人不快,但只要在水壶中预先加一小匙红葡萄酒,就能有效地防止水 味变劣.在日本,人们吃冷面时往往要在加卤汁后,再倒上一小匙甜酒,此面的味道便格外鲜美可口;若不用普通甜酒而改用白葡萄酒,那味道更独特.酷暑炎夏,你若用电冰箱制作冰块时,不妨在水中羼些红葡萄酒或白葡萄酒,用这种带酒的冰块泡桔子汁或拌食 冷面,解暑效果更佳.如果你正巧有几只不新鲜的皱巴巴的苹果,那么千万不要丢弃,而要洗净切好,放在葡萄酒中(没过苹果),再加上适量砂糖煮一下,这时你会发现,经过上述方法处理过的苹果将给你留下美好的印象. More and more people around the world love to drink tasty and wines, while wine is rich as a variety of around the world, more and more people love to drink delicious wines, and wine as a rich variety Organic acids, the only alcoholic beverages that contain alkaline substances, have a lot of magical effects besides being an appetizer. ● If you have a cold, put a small glass of red wine on the heat to heat it, Only eggs, chopsticks or spoon spoon stir a little stop that is heated, the temperature can be used after drinking this famous “egg wine” is the German method of treating the common cold, the effect is quite good. In France, to be treated Cold is in the heated red wine, put some lemon juice and sugar, dry to slightly warm drink, the effect is not bad. ● Outing, marching pot of special water odor is often unpleasant, but as long as In the kettle pre-add a teaspoon of red wine, can effectively prevent the deterioration of water.In Japan, people often eat cold noodles, add a teaspoon of sweet wine, the surface of the taste It is particularly tasty and delicious; if you do not change the ordinary liqueur With white wine, it tastes more unique.As summer, if you use the refrigerator to make ice cubes, may wish to add some red wine or white wine in the water, soaked in orange juice with this wine or mixed with cold noodles, If you happen to have a few fresh wrinkled apples, then do not discard, but to wash and cut, placed in wine (no apple), plus the amount of sugar to cook , Then you will find that after the above-processed apple will give you a good impression.
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