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7月2日,中白两国共同举办“一带一路”区域合作发展论坛(新华社 供图)On July 2, China and Belarus jointly hold the Belt and Road Forum for Regional Cooperation and Development

  It is a journey full of twists and turns, just like the“Journey to the West.” That was how I felt when I led the South Asia-bound delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to preach on the Belt and Road in Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan in 2017.
  You have to transfer flight via Dubai if you are to fly from Pakistan to neighboring Afghanistan, which entails as long as 10 hours. A direct flight is only available every few days. In South Asia, many neighboring countries are not yet connected and thus inaccessible. The case is also true with Africa, where no flights are available among many neighboring countries, and in the worst scenario, there is even no highway and railway. An African has to fly to Paris before transferring to another African country.   As the saying goes, “To get rich, build a road; to get rich quickly, build a high-speed railway.” I also think that if we want to get rich immediately, we should build a network. It tells us that livelihood projects are essential to national development. Since the Belt and Road Initiative was initiated, many countries have expressed their willingness to cooperate with China and hitchhike on China’s economic development.
  “How has China managed to develop so fast?” That is a common question among many foreign leaders. The answer of President Xi Jinping is: China has pursued a development road that fits its national realities.
  Pakistan is confronted with serious energy shortage, particularly electricity. The highest courteous reception a Chinese people can receive in Pakistan is enjoying the coolness of an electric fan. The country faces high electricity price and frequent blackout. Each year, as many as 1,000-plus people die of heat in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan. As of today, there are still 1.1 billion people on the earth who have no access to electricity.
  A bird’s-eye view of the earth from satellite shows that only in Japan, North America, developed European countries and coastal regions of China are well-illuminated at night, while the rest parts of the world are black. It tells us that people in these regions are still living in “the darkness of poverty”.
  Then how to illuminate the dark regions? An Indian adage said: lit a lamp to lighten the world. The Belt and Road Initiative is designed to lit lamps in developing countries and bring light and hope to ordinary people.
  In a primary school in Pakistan, several hundred students sit together on the ground of a shabby room with no desks and chairs. With mosquitoes and flies swirling overhead, the children are scorched in heat with the absence of electric fan. “Why they live in such a world devoid of electricity?”
  In September 2015, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Energy Interconnection(GEI) plan in the United Nations Headquarters, a Chinese plan featuring Chinese wisdom where local conditions are considered, overall plans are made in a coordinated way, and holistic approaches are taken.
  The energy of the countries along the Belt and Road is unevenly distributed: hydropower mainly concentrates in Southwest China, Russia, and Southeast Asia; wind power can mainly be found in Northeast China, Northern China, and Northwest China, Mongolia, Central Asia, northern coastal regions of Russia, and other areas; solar power is mainly in West Asia, China’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and other regions.   Therefore, the developing of GEI consists of three stages: domestic interconnection, intra-continental interconnection, and inter-continental interconnection, aiming to complete the task by the mid of the 21st century. By then, the global share of clean energy will exceed 80%; the global emission of carbon dioxide will be capped at around 11.5 billion tons, only half of that of 1990, and global temperature rise will be less than two degrees centigrade; as such, an energy layout featuring the dominance of electricity and clean development will be shaped. Then the world will become a harmonious, well-illuminated “earth village” with abundant energy, blue sky and green land, and peace.
  The China plan originated in the best practice at home: a power development pattern of power transmission from west to east and from north to south, mutual supply of hydropower and thermal power, mutual complementation of wind power and solar power, and trans-national interconnection. With no interconnection at home, global interconnection will be impossible.
  “Help others to become independent if you are to be independent; help others to rise high if you aim high.” In the eyes of many developing countries, China is already a developed country that rises high. Now it is our task to help these countries to rise high too. The Initiative echoes with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China is pushing for a developmentoriented globalization, with livelihood, infrastructure, and real economy as drivers. China’s reform and opening up has lifted 700 million people out of poverty. The Initiative comes with no political conditions since it uses capital to launch projects and promote employment in relevant countries. That is why we can say that it is a project with boundless beneficence.
  China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a flagship project under the Initiative. China is helping Pakistan in shoring up its weak links in energy and infrastructure, and in building ports and constructing development zones. A case in point is China Mobile, where 21 Chinese young people employ 3,200 Pakistani white-collar workers. In the highly efficient company, everyone cherishes the job. In Pakistan, you can experience the fastest 4G.
  “Zhong Guo(China)!” Many Pakistani can say the two characters and scramble to take photos with Chinese visitors. It is a country where everyone knows China–Pakistan Economic Corridor. “China-Pakistan friendship is higher than the Himalayas, deeper than Indian Ocean, sweeter than honey, and harder than steel...”, that is something on the lips of Pakistani people.
5年“一带一路"建设,机遇与挑战并存、成绩与艰难共生,从起步到耕耘,从尝试到融入,从愿景到现实,央企作为实践者和先行者,在共建“一带一路”的各项工作中都取得了显著成效。  愿景变现实的实践者  为推动“一带一路”沿线国家的互联互通,央企在“出海”的布局中,将焦点集中在基础设施的建设和经营上。国资委副主任翁杰明概括道,利用基础设施领域的经验和优势,央企近年来主动参与“一带一路”沿线国家和地区在铁路、
摘要:商业银行为“走出去”企业提供全方位的金融服务,对银企双方是双赢的选择,但限于经验和现有机制,商业银行的国际化服务能力还面临诸多挑战。为此,商业银行应真正践行以客户为中心的理念,为客户提供个性化的全方位服务;持续开展产品创新,适应企业国际化经营的需要;实施人才储备工程,培养国际化人才;充分发挥科技优势,提升银行服务效率。  Abstract: Commercial banks offer a
改革開放是中国的基本国策,也是推动中国社会经济全面发展的根本动力。对外开放推动了中国特色社会主义市场经济建设,使得中国经济更加有效地融入全球经济,大大提升了中国参与全球竞争合作的能力,促进了国民经济和社会持续健康稳定发展。习近平主席倡导的“一带一路”为我国新时代改革开放指明了方向,注入了活力。  “‘一带一路”助力改革和开放互动发展。改革和开放是中国特色社会主义建设和经济社会发展的两大动力,二者相
让世界更加了解中国轨道交通的成就与机遇,让中国轨道交通产业更好地接轨国际!  2018年11月15日,为期3天的2018中国(湖南)国际轨道交通产业博览会(以下简称“轨博会”)在长沙国际会展中心开幕,湖南省人民政府副省长何报翔宣布开馆。国家相关部委负责人,湖南省、长沙市、株洲市有关领导,20余名中国工程院院士、轨道交通装备专家、大型企业领导,“一带一路”沿线十余个国家的驻华使节,国内外采购商及中南
广西桂林大美河山Breathtaking rivers and mountains in Guilin, Guangxi(视觉中国 供图)  广西北海,园博园大剧院座无虚席,伴随着悠扬的背景音乐,汉代丝绸之路的起始路线缓缓呈现在大屏幕上。满载丝绸、茶叶与瓷器的大船,颇具特色的渔家婚礼,异域风情的服饰与歌舞……大气磅礴的布景和演员的精彩表演将观众带入了那段古老而又辉煌的历史中。  这场以2000多年
1953年,一个稀疏平常的日子,因为一个“不速之客”的到来而变得意义非凡。这一天,都江堰一个小镇上的人们像往常一样出门上班,却发现一只野生大熊猫正沿着马路慢慢悠悠地散着步,这可让整个小镇沸腾了起来,随后,大熊猫被救护至成都动物园斧头山饲养场。这只大熊猫是新中国成立后第一只被救护的活体大熊猫,正是他的出现,开启了我国野放大熊猫的救护之路。也因为他的出现,让都江堰这座城市与熊猫结下不解之缘。  大熊猫
西港特区有限公司董事长陈坚刚:推动西港特区的高质量发展就是要打造特区2.0版本,提升园区的竞争力、配套服务能力、国际化程度,最终建成一个300家企业入驻,近10万产业工人就业的配套功能齐全的生态化样板园区,再造一个“中国深圳特区”。  Chen Jiangang, Chairman of the Company in SSEZ: To promote the highquality develop
從法国蒙彼利埃来到千里之外的中国西部城市成都工作,白昕迪仍然可以和自己的欧洲“小伙伴们”保持畅通的工作交流。这得益于成都市2017年启用的对欧综合交往平台一“中国一欧洲中心”。  自2017年5月以来,位于四川自贸试验区成都区域内的“中国一欧洲中心”已吸引48家欧洲及“一带一路”沿线国家的办事机构入驻,成为中西部地区对欧交往合作的新窗口,也为入驻办公的国外代表们提供了便利。  这栋192米高的建筑
2018年2月3日,在成都飞往埃塞俄比亚的ET637航班上,一名乘客突然晕倒在后舱,脸色苍白,嘴唇发绀。情况万分紧急,幸好有一支中国医疗队在这次航班上。在队长李昂的带领下,经过近20分钟的紧急救治,患者症状缓解,转危为安。  这支医疗队是四川省第3批援圣多美和普林西比(以下简称“圣普”)的医疗队,这次万米高空上的营救是医疗队立的“首功”,为此次援外医疗工作开了个好头。  1年的援外工作,医疗队得到
院士崔鹏很难约,几次打电话的结果都是人在外地,回程时间尚不确定。这样的情形并非只有我们遇到,另一家媒体的采访从8月开始安排至今无果。  院士崔鹏的忙是众所周知的,从事泥石流研究30年,他几乎将所有的时间都奉献给了这个行业,就连门口的保卫都这样告诉来访者:“他太忙了,一点半才吃午饭,两点又要出门办事了。”  这就是崔鹏,中国第一位“泥石流”院士,现任中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所副所长,长