被《Forbes资本家》杂志誉为马来西亚“胆识过人的企业人物”的林天杰,确实是一个与众不同的青年企业家。说他胆识过人,主要表现在两个方面,一方面,是说他在年仅29岁时,以家族所属的总资产不过1.35亿马元的中型上市公司甘文丁机构,成功收购马来西亚最大执政党马华(马来西亚华人公会)创办、国内最大的华人控制的上市公司马化股权的28.9%,一举成为最大股东,创造了一个史无前例的“蛇吞大象”的商战战例;另一方面,是说他作为一名华裔,敢于顶着执政党马华的政治压力将马来西亚华人社会视为“民族事业”的马化先是改组、后是变卖,最后转化成为一家纯国际性的商业机构。这究竟是怎么一回事呢?作为马化控股有限公司(Multi-PurPose Holdings Berhad)首席执行总裁的林天杰(LimThian Kiat),又是如何看待自己的这一行动?本文所要讲述的就是这个故事——
Lin Tianjie, who has been hailed as Malaysia’s “courageous corporate personality” by Forbes Capital Magazine, is indeed a distinctive young entrepreneur. On the one hand, he said that he was bold at the age of 29 when he successfully acquired the largest ruling party in Malaysia under the name of the family-owned medium-sized listed company, Gan Wintin, which owns a total assets of only $ 135 million. Ma Hua (Malaysian Chinese Association) founded, Malaysia’s largest Chinese-controlled listed company 28.9% stake in Malaysia, becoming the largest shareholder in one fell swoop, creating an unprecedented “snake elephant” war business case; the other hand, is He said that as a Chinese, he dared to withstand the political pressure of the ruling party MCA to transform Malaysian Chinese society into a “national cause.” Mr Ma then restructured, sold, and eventually turned into a purely international commercial organization. How exactly is Lim Thian Kiat, chief executive of Multi-PurPose Holdings Berhad, looking at this move? The story to be covered in this article is that this story- -