纤维黄色瘤又称为骨的组织细胞瘤,发生在骨骼上的病例极为罕见。作者收治1例发生于左足跟骨,并经病理证实,现报告如下。 病例报告 患者,男性,17岁,农民,住院号:9300253。因左足跟疼痛5个月,加重2个月,于1993年2月1日入院。该患入院前5个月无明显诱因自觉左足跟隐痛。未进行任何检查及治疗。1个月前疼痛加重,左足不敢负重,在基层医院诊断左足跟骨结核,用抗结核药治疗25天不见好转。转入本院后经X线拟诊为左足跟骨肿瘤收入住院治疗。 局部检查:左足跟骨结节区触痛,拒按。局部软组织轻度红肿,未触及突出之骨性凸起。局部病灶穿刺吸出暗红色液体,凝血。余未见异常发现。化验血沉、碱性磷酸酶均为正常。
Fibrous xanthomas are also known as bone histiocytoma. Cases that occur on bones are extremely rare. One patient admitted to the hospital received a left heel calculus and was confirmed by pathology. The report is as follows. Case Report Patient, male, 17 years old, farmer, hospital number: 9300253. He was admitted to the hospital on February 1, 1993 because of pain in his left heel for 5 months and an increase of 2 months. There was no obvious incentive for the left foot heel pain to be felt 5 months before admission. Did not perform any inspections and treatment. Pain increased a month ago. The left foot did not dare to bear weight. In the primary hospital, he diagnosed left-sided calcaneal tuberculosis. Treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs did not improve for 25 days. After being transferred to the hospital, he was diagnosed with X-rays for left heel tumor tumor income. Local examination: tenderness of the left foot calcaneal tubercle, refused to press. Local soft tissue was slightly swollen and did not touch prominent bony prominences. Local lesions puncture dark red liquid, coagulation. I did not see abnormal findings. Laboratory tests of ESR and alkaline phosphatase were normal.