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现代汉语祈使句,学界一般认为是从语用角度分出来的一个句类,是用来对接受者的行为进行有目的的指令,即用来“行事”的句子。军队机关公文是军队机关在处理公务中形成的具有法定效力和规范体式的文书,即用来“行事”的文书。因此,军队机关公文 Modern Chinese imperative sentence, the academic community is generally considered a pragmatic point out of a sentence, is used to conduct a purposeful instruction of the recipient’s behavior, that is used to “act” of the sentence. The document of a military organ is an instrument of legality and standard form formed by the military authorities in handling official duties, that is, an instrument used for “acting”. Therefore, the military organ official document