A study on the art of France Rococo style clothing in eighteenth Century

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  Abstract: this paper studies the origin, art form and artistic style of rococo costume in the 18th century.
  Key words: the 18th century rococo costume art.
  The formation of rococo art was set in 18th-century France, France has strong palace culture in this period, due to the mercantilist economic policy, the economy developed, the forces of capitalism gradually strengthened and prevalence of salon culture promote the formation of rococo art style.
  1.Analysis of French social reasons behind the popularity of rococo style clothing.
  (1)the advocation and extravagant social atmosphere of the ruling class.
  Louis xiv helped to foster the classical trend, making France the center of European art and culture, which promoted the popularity of rococo style women's wear.Louis xv, however, advocated a style of life that was beautiful, polite, and competitive.
  (2)the high level of development of science and technology and the protection of policy.
  Louis xiv actively pursued the mercantilist policy, actively developing the national textile industry and decoration industry, and striving to create his own national brand.During the period of Louis xv, the development of the bourgeoisie in Western Europe was rapid, and the social science had undergone tremendous changes, and the textile technology directly related to the clothing technology was continuously innovated.
  (3)influence of foreign cultures during the same period.
  During the period of Louis xv, many articles in France were designed to imitate the style of Chinese traditional arts and crafts. Chinese embroidery had a great influence on the later rococo art.
  2.18th-century French rococo costume.
  The style of women's clothing in rococo period is characterized by exaggerated appearance, gorgeous decoration, elaborate process, luxurious fabric, soft color and exotic taste.
  The corset will torso above the waist beam wrapped into a cone, richly ornamented bellyband strengthened inverted triangular outline.This kind of visual image is like the dome of the dome the whole modelling is rococo period people the exaggerated modelling that the people chase each other. Lace, flower, bowknot, ribbon, lotus leaf edge, pleating, fan and so on are the most important decorative elements of rococo women's clothing, mainly used for neckline, cuff, skirt, hem and so on.
  The rococo dress is always decorated with a large number of embroidery patterns, or flowers or artificial flowers.At the cuff, the fabric is made of embroidered cotton cloth or lace, and is decorated with a pleated technique. Rococo is made from many expensive fabrics, and rococo styles are made of lightweight fabrics such as silk and fine cotton, as well as colored, metallic fabrics.   Rococo dress color is the color beauty of nature, nude, cream, champagne, pink, pink green colour fundamental key, such as using the meantime, manifests the dress to the theme of the feminine, emphasized the harmony of man and nature at the same time, make the rococo dress show a light and pleasant tone.Many of the ornate and delicate robes in rococo style were woven from silk and silk from eastern China.At that time, Chinese silk was not only used to make clothes, but even shoes were embroidered with Chinese embroidered silk.
  3.An 18th-century study of the French rococo style of dress.
  (1)emotion in rococo costume art.
  Rococo eliminated the hustle and bustle of classicism and Baroque art,full of bold and fresh natural sense and vitality, reflects people's longing for nature and the life of the living. As the French moved from a tense war environment to a relaxed and happy time.Therefore, it is widely believed that rococo style reflects more feminine colors. And the French court was disgusted with war, and longed for freedom, peace and warmth.
  (2)multiculturalism in rococo costume art.
  With the increasingly close communication between Chinese and western cultures, Chinese elements have become an important decoration in the art and culture of rococo.Decorating multi-purpose nature of plant and animal patterns in the qing dynasty in order to streamline pattern, which has a rococo art style and the representation of feminine and dainty corresponds to, make it become more contracted wen wan, have a more elegant style.
摘要:艺术考古学是考古学的重要分支,艺术考古史是艺术史发展的“物化”的发现与研究学科。运用考古学态度了解水彩的起源,通过对水彩起源的研究分析,总结当今我国水彩特点、原因并分析一些原始艺术艺术特征和创作来源,从而得出考古学对水彩创作的启发。  关键词:艺术考古;美术史;水彩画  艺术考古是考古学的重要分支,它是艺术史发展“物化”的发现与研究的学科。“中国艺术考古学”的名称提出是明国时期的岑家梧先生于
摘要:西方古典美学关于美的基本看法是美即等同于比例、和谐、多样统一、效用或合适。传统的艺术通过模仿客观现实生活的形象并做到某种程度的逼真制造幻覺。而当代艺术则是艺术家考虑自身、考虑他个人与周围世界的关系之中,被置于艺术家选择和综合人类文化直接或间接提供的一切东西的行为中。  关键词:当代艺术;传统艺术;差异  一、现代艺术时间上的定义  当代艺术”在时间上指的是今天的艺术,在内涵上也主要指具有现代
摘要:美国黑人女性文学常常通过独有的女性视角来刻画种族主义色彩,展现黑人女性处于种族和性别的两大压迫下的迷惘与困惑,挣扎和抗争。在这些文学作品笔下,作者希望通过作品来改变 “他者”处境,并表达获得整个社会的地位认同的渴望。在不断的思索和争取当中,女性主义文学经历了从诞生到成熟的过程。本文将对当代美国黑人女性主义文学批评的发展和共同性进行分析。  关键词:美国黑人;历史发展;女性主义文学批评  引言
摘要:中国古代的人物画中,有一类存在于需要田野考古发掘的艺术遗迹里,比如墓葬、石窟壁画和画像石等,是需要科学复杂的考古发掘和研究的,也需要艺术考古学理论来支撑。这些是艺术考古学和古代人物画联系最密切的地方,从另一个角度讲,考古学中的方法论,比如地层学、类型学甚至具体的如布方法、西南深的发掘方法,都对于中国人物画的研究和创作具有指导意义。  关键词:艺术考古学;中国人物画;贡献;汉画像石;墓室壁画;
摘要:原地双手后抛实心球作为体育高考的其中的一个项目,对考生的综合素质要求很高,从而成为令很多考生和教练员需要重点训练的项目。怎样训练才能有效提高成绩是很多考生和教练员亟需解决的问题。笔者经过对多个训练队进行走访,对原地双手后抛实心球的动作要领、用力特点以及训练方法、手段等方面进行了一些研究,并发现在训练中收到良好的效果。  关键词:原地;后抛;实心球;训练  1.原地双手后抛实心球的技术要领  
摘要:通过对第16届亚洲单排轮滑球锦标赛中前三名强队的射门次数、弹射运用次数、弹射得分数等数据的统计,对弹射的运用情况进行分析,通过对该领域的专家进行访谈,得出的结论是轮滑球弹射技术在当今亚洲轮滑球强队使用的各种射门技术中使用的最为频繁,其得分效率也比其他射门技术要高。  关键词:轮滑球;弹射技术;亚洲轮滑球强队  单排轮滑球运动是运动员脚穿单排轮滑鞋,手持冰球杆,在轮滑球场上快速滑行、运球、传接