民间艺术主要是由农民、牧民和渔民创作的。他们的社会地位在工业革命前的整个欧洲是非常相同的。到上世纪末,学者们开始对这个学科发生兴趣,首先步入这一领域的是民俗学家和人类学家。因为在德国新文艺复兴和新巴洛克期间,艺术史家认为民间艺术是人类学的一个低劣部分,不值得他们研究。只是到了折衷主义艺术风格不再有刺激,人们的注意力转向探索未知文明的时候,艺术史家才发现了民间艺术并引起人们的普遍兴趣。他们强调它的艺术价值,从而把它在艺术史中的地位提高到应有的适当的高度。他们还首先研究了民间艺术的特征,由此确立了民间艺术的鉴赏标准。 1894年阿劳斯·瑞格(Alois Riegl)发表了论及民间艺术特征的短文。尽管这篇文章也象处于童年时代的其它文章一样,只开始给民间艺术的有关概念作出界定,但它是起初十年研究民间艺
Folk art is mainly created by peasants, pastoralists and fishermen. Their social status is very much the same throughout Europe before the Industrial Revolution. By the end of the last century, scholars began to take an interest in this subject. The first to enter this field are folklorists and anthropologists. Because during German Neo-Renaissance and the New Baroque art historians considered folk art to be a poor part of anthropology and not worth their research. Only when the eclectic art style is no longer stimulating and people’s attention turned to explore the unknown civilization, the art historian discovered the folk art and aroused people’s general interest. They emphasize its artistic value, thereby raising its position in the history of art to the right height it deserves. They also first studied the characteristics of folk art, which established the appreciation of folk art standards. 1894 Alois Riegl published an essay on the characteristics of folk art. Although this essay, like other articles in childhood, only began to define the concept of folk art, it was the first decade of research on folk art