从语境的二元切分及其互动探讨语面信息填补。二元指语部和境部。语部因体现固化的语用可在一定程度内自足 ,此时语面信息无需填补。但语部的自足是相对的 ,则语面信息在更多的情况下须依境部变元解释。二者的有机互动可循关联理论之话语理解三层次展开 :1)直说意义 ,2 )暗指意义 ,3)发话对直说或暗指的态度
Bilingual Separation from Context and Its Interaction to Explore Plane Information to Fill. Binary Fingerprinting and the Ministry of Environment. Language Department because of the embodiment of the pragmatic curing can be self-sufficient to a certain extent, then no need to fill the linguistic information. However, since the self-sufficiency of the Ministry of Language is relative, the linguistic information should be interpreted according to the Ministry of the State in more cases. The organic interaction between the two can be based on three levels of discourse understanding of theoretical discourse: 1) direct meaning, 2) implicit meaning, 3) speech to direct or implicit attitude