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  Photographer Catches Charm of Huangshan Mountain
  By Sun Guowei, our special reporter in Beijing
  In 1993, I brought a group of international journalists to the Anhui office of Xinhua News Agency to meet Zhu Yunfeng, a photojournalist whose photos were a big part of Huangshan Mountain Festival that year at the foot of Huangshan Mountain. A special venue was assigned exclusively to display the enlarged photos taken by Zhu over years.
  When I stepped into the exhibition hall, the first thing that caught my attention was a poem written by Liu Haishu, an art master who dedicated the last years of his life to painting Huangshan Mountain. The photos displayed at the venue topped 100. The images were more than about the mountain itself. What were portrayed in the photos included Huangshan Mountain, Xin’an River (the name for part of the upper stream of Qiantang River), ancient residential houses in Anhui architectural style, nature reserves, rural scenes, and plants and animals.   By then, Zhu had been photographing the Huangshan Mountain for decades. He is one of the best photographers based near the mountain. is one of the representative photos about the famed scenic mountain area by Zhu.
  He was engaged in a field study on Xin’an River near the mountain when one evening he received a call from a weather station at the Guangmingding Peak at the altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. The forecaster informed him that it had just rained and predicted that there would be a sea of clouds in the morning. The forecaster asked Zhu to come up in a hurry. Zhu wasted no time setting out. Used a torch, he walked all the way up to the peak and took a successful photo at the dawning moment.
  The photo looks like a landscape painting in the traditional Chinese style. Liu Haishu spoke highly of the photo. It appeared at an international photography saloon held in Romania. It received excellent reviews at international photography exhibitions in six countries such as America, Britain and France. The photo later was used for the cover of an album published by China Photographers Association.
  Huangshan Mountain is famed for its pines and grotesque rocks. A key part of Zhu’s photos reflect this part of the gorgeous beauty of the mountain area. Zhu trekked far and wide in the mountain area, which is about 40 kilometers from south to north and 30 kilometers from west to east, in order to photograph the best scenes of pines and rocks.
  Zhu Yunfeng was born into a poverty-stricken family in 1933 in Hubei Province. His grandfather was a scholar specialized in poetry and calligraphy. Zhu Yunfeng loves painting and photography. Engaged in photography for over 50 years, Zhu Yunfeng has traveled far and wide across the country. His motto is “I am grateful to the generosity of the nature and I pursue eternity in split-second moments.”
  Zhu’s dedication to photographing the beauty of Huangshan is by no means accidental. It wasn’t that he gradually found the beauty of the mountain. He decided to devote his career to the mountain as soon as he knew he was assigned to work as a photojournalist at the Anhui Office of Xinhua News Agency. He wanted to highlight the beauty of the mountain to the world. The arts he learned in his childhood and has continued to practice have helped him to create artistic photos.
  Zhu has published several photograph albums, which are all about Huangshan Mountain. CCTV, China’s biggest television network, screened a special program titled to feature the photographer’s amazing photos.
  Now Zhu is 85 years old. While enjoying his golden years, he still works hard to explore the unknown in photography.
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