鲍曼氏不动杆菌为革兰氏阴性、专性好氧、广泛存在于外界的腐生菌。作为条件病菌,它成为现代医院内感染的主要致病菌之一。我科的同一床单元短短3个月时间连续发生3例鲍曼氏不动杆菌感染,现报道如下: 1 病例介绍 第1例为糖尿病酮症酸中毒并昏迷,于第7d出现再次高热,双肺布满湿罗音,痰多粘稠,取痰培养示鲍曼氏不动杆菌感染;第2例为胸骨柄骨折、ARDS,于第10 d出现高热、黄痰,取痰培养为鲍曼氏不动杆菌感染;第3例为全身多发伤,患者于第6d出现背部散在斑丘疹,周围皮肤潮红,伴全身发热,第7d丘疹融合为表浅结痂性损害,取脓液培养示鲍曼氏不动杆菌感染。 2 讨论 2.1 患者机体抵抗力低 3例患者病情均十分危重,
Acinetobacter baumannii is Gram-negative, aerobic, widespread in the world of saprophytic bacteria. As a condition germ, it becomes one of the major pathogens in modern hospital infections. 3 cases of Acinetobacter baumannii infection occurred in the same bed unit of our department in just 3 months, are reported as follows: 1 case description The first case of diabetic ketoacidosis and coma, again in the first 7d fever, The lungs were covered with wet rales, thick sputum and sputum culture showed Acinetobacter baumannii infection. The second case was sternum fracture with ARDS. High fever, yellow sputum and phlegm were obtained on the 10th day Acinetobacter mucosal infection; the third case of multiple trauma, the patient appeared on the 6th back scattered rash, the surrounding skin flushing, with systemic fever, the first 7d papules fusion superficial scab damage, take pus culture showed Acinetobacter baumannii infection. 2 Discussion 2.1 patients with low body resistance in 3 patients were in critical condition,