广告文化批判的对象不是操作层面的广告活动 ,而是作为泛文本的广告文化 ,权力和主体性是广告文化批判最主要的两个批判范畴。广告文化批判的目的是在全面深入地认识广告文化现实的基础上 ,重新审视广告与社会、广告与人之间的关系 ,努力营造一个良好的广告文化生态环境。广告文化批判研究的方法包括两个方面 :一是对西方批判理论的批判性借鉴 ;一是多学科理论的综合运用。
The object of advertising culture criticism is not operation-level advertisement, but advertisement culture, power and subjectivity as pan-text are the two main critical categories of advertising culture criticism. The purpose of the advertisement culture criticism is to re-examine the relationship between advertisement and society, advertisement and people on the basis of comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the reality of advertisement culture, and strive to create a good advertising cultural environment. There are two aspects to the research of advertising culture critique: one is the critical reference to western critical theory; the other is the comprehensive application of multidisciplinary theory.