191 7年 7月上旬 ,孙中山自沪乘舰南下 ,并电请国会议员择地开会 ,正式揭起了护法旗帜。是月 1 3日 ,孙中山抵汕头后 ,即派章炳麟等赴广州接洽 ,促统治广东的桂系军阀对于国会议员和海军南下应有切实的表示。 1 7日 ,孙中山抵广州 ,并发表护法演说 ,再次主张电请各地国会议员来
In early July 2007, Sun Yat-sen flew down south from Shanghai and called for a meeting of members of the Diet, formally lifting the banner of law enforcement. It was January 13 that Sun Yat-sen arrived in Shantou after that it sent Zhang Binglin and other officials to Guangzhou to contact and urge the reigning Kwangsi warlord in Guangdong to earnestly say that members of the National Assembly and the Navy should go southward. On January 17, Sun Yat-sen arrived in Guangzhou and delivered a speech on law enforcement. He once again urged all members of Parliament