强化参谋决策服务意识 提高办公室的工作效能

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近年来,我们把强化参谋决策意识作为提高办公室工作效能的主要环节来抓,收到了较好的效果。对此,我们有以下体会: 一、注重参谋决策的时效性 在市场经济条件下,事业的成败全在于能否抓住机遇。办公室工作要与此相适应就必须强调预见性,讲求时效。首先是要增强预见能力,及时参谋决策。办公室工作效能在很大程度上取决于对领导决策的参谋服务是否及时。1995年初,我们注意到全国猪肉价格大幅度下跌将导致“卖猪难”的趋势,立即组织力量进行调查研究,在短时间内写出了《如何跳出“卖猪难”的怪圈》的调查报告,提出了要及时调整养殖业结构、搞活市场流通的建议,引起了县委、县政府及有关部门的重视,并积极采取措施,在全国“卖猪难”高潮到来时,我县畜牧业不但没有受到大的冲击,反而保持了健康、快速发展的好势头。其次是要用联系的观点正确把握主要矛盾,迅速参谋决策。所谓联系的观点就是要全面地把握某一时期的客观形势与事物发展的客观规律,抓住主要矛盾和问 In recent years, we have taken the enhancement of staff decision-making awareness as the main link in enhancing the work efficiency of the office and received good results. In this regard, we have the following experience: First, pay attention to the timeliness of staff decisions In a market economy, the success or failure of the business lies in whether the opportunity can be seized. Office work to be compatible with it must emphasize predictability, stress timeliness. The first is to enhance the ability to anticipate, timely staff decision-making. The effectiveness of the office depends largely on whether the staffing decisions on leadership decisions are timely. At the beginning of 1995, we noticed that the drastic drop in national pork prices will lead to the trend of “selling pigs difficult.” We immediately organized forces to carry out investigations and studies and wrote a short survey report on how to jump out of the vicious circle of selling pigs , Put forward to promptly adjust the structure of aquaculture, invigorating the market circulation proposal, causing the county party committee and government and relevant departments attach importance to and take active measures in the country when the climax of the “hard sell pigs”, the county not only did not have animal husbandry By the big impact, but maintained a healthy and rapid development of the good momentum. Second, we must correctly grasp the major contradictions from the perspective of contacts and make quick decisions on staff matters. The so-called connection point of view is to fully grasp the objective laws of the times and the objective laws governing the development of things, seize the major contradictions and ask
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