6日上旬,浙江省计经委、省电力局联合召开了全省“三电”工作会议。会议传达了最近召开的全国计划用电工作会议、节约用电工作会议和资源节约综合利用会议精神。省电力局陈积民副局长代表省计经委、省电力局就深化改革的形势下坚持做好计划用电和节约用电工作,更好地为经济建设服务作了重要发言。他在发言中指出,要结合我省实际,积极开拓节电的新思路、新途径、新举措,以缓和长期缺电的局面,并对近期的“三电”工作提出了具体的目标、要求、措施和办法。 张启楣副省长在书面讲话中指出:电力
At the beginning of the 6th, the Economic Commission of Zhejiang Province and the Provincial Electric Power Bureau jointly held the “Three Electricity” working conference in the province. The conference conveyed the spirit of the recently convened National Conference on Planned Electricity Use, Conference on Saving Electricity, and Meeting on Comprehensive Utilization of Resources. Deputy Director Chen Jimin of the Provincial Electric Power Bureau, on behalf of the Provincial Economic Planning Commission and the Provincial Electric Power Bureau, persisted in the plan to use electricity, save electricity and use electricity, and made an important speech for economic construction. In his speech, he pointed out that in light of the reality of our province, we must actively explore new ideas, new approaches, and new measures for saving electricity, in order to ease the long-term lack of electricity, and put forward specific goals and requirements for the recent “three powers” work. , measures and methods. Vice Governor Zhang Qichen pointed out in written speech: Electricity