初夏六月,经不住昆明友人一番极富煽动性的怂恿,我和同伴们兴冲冲地踏上了千年古城丽江行的旅途。 步出机场、环顾四周,顿觉“一奇”:在滇西北这样的高原上,竟然还有这样雪山丽水环抱的神奇地方。连绵的雪山高耸在只有想象能及的碧空间,弥漫着一派亘古的黛绿之色,显得那样的清寂、壮丽、神秘。前来接站的导游小姐瞧着我们呆愣愣的样子,忍俊不禁地点拨;这就是丽江27万纳西族人民寄托精神的蓝色高地——海拔5595米的玉龙雪山。
Early summer in June, could not stand a very provocative encouragement of Kunming friends, my companions and excitedly embark on a trip to the ancient city of Lijiang line. Step out of the airport, looking around, feeling “an odd”: In such a plateau in northwestern Yunnan, there are still such a magical place surrounded by snow-capped mountains Lishui. The towering snow-capped mountains in the imagination of the only blue space, filled with a group of ancient Dai green color, it seems so quiet, magnificent, mysterious. The tour guide who came to pick up the station looked at the way we looked at Leng Leng, who could not help but call for help. This is the Yulong Snow Mountain at 5595 meters above sea level in the Blue Heights, a place where 270,000 Naxi people of Lijiang are entrusted.