1 MM数学教育方式简介1.1什么是MM数学教育方式马克思指出,一门科学只有在成功的运用数学时,才算达到了真正完善的地步.也就是说,科学的成熟与否要视其应用数学的程度而定.既然数学教育是一门科学,那么,数学教学为什么就不能应用数学本身的思想方法去组织教学呢?对数学教育来说,
1 MM Introduction to Mathematical Education 1.1 What is Mathematical Education in MM Marx pointed out that a science can only be achieved when it is successfully used in mathematics. That is to say, the maturity of science depends on its applied mathematics. Depending on the degree, since mathematics education is a science, why can’t mathematics teaching apply mathematics’ own thought and method to organize teaching? For mathematics education,