一支独特的春游队伍 又到了一年中的春游季节。走在外面,不时可以看到一辆辆满载着莘莘学子和活泼可爱的小朋友们去春游的大小客车从马路上或高架道上驶过。可以想见,在这样的春游季节里,许许多多大大小小远远近近的园林名胜风景地将留下孩子们欢快的足迹。 然而,就是在这样的季节里,我却极偶然地撞上了一支独特的春游队伍。 我撞见这支春游队伍的地点,既没有园林名胜,也不是什么风景地,而是正在拓宽修建中的复兴东路工地。此时的阳光把这里的路面切割得坑坑洼洼、斑斑驳驳,用“一片狼藉”来形容毫不为过,真可谓:“……路也旧,道也破,车流儿没法过……”更引起我注意的是,这支春游队伍还有自己的“摄影记者”(也是孩子们的老师),只见年轻的摄影者以正在拓宽修建中的“一片狼藉”的复兴东路工地为背景,为孩子
A unique spring tour team has reached a year of spring season. Walking outside, from time to time can see a car filled with students and lively and lovely children to travel the size of the bus from the road or elevated road through. Can be imagined, in such a spring season, many large and small, far and near the scenic landscape will leave the children’s happy footprints. However, it is in this season, I very occasionally hit a unique spring tour team. I hit the location of this spring tour team, neither the scenic spots, nor what the scenery, but is to broaden the construction of the Fuxing Road site. At this time the sun to the pavement here to be pitched, speckled barge, with “a mess” to describe as an excuse, really: “... the road is old, the road is broken, traffic children can not ...” What caught me more attention was that this spring tour team also had its own “photojournalist” (also a teacher of children), and saw young photographers against the backdrop of a “messy” reconstruction of the East Road site that was under construction , For children