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非重点学校通过创办特色教学班来提升办学整体水平的为数不少,但作为一所开办时间短、底子薄的C类学校,广州市江南中学在基本没有英语推荐生和特长生的情况下,用六七年时间,基本实现其办成一所有影响的英语特色学校的目标,被评为区一级学校,并已具备晋升市一级学校的实力,这的确不容易。该校的办学特色有三个鲜明特点。 特色教育德育为先 江南中学注重学生品德、人格、体魄、知识等素质的全面提高,要求学生按《中学生行为规范》检查自己,首先学会做人。对特色班学生突出抓心理素质的培养,从进入特色班第一天起,就努 There are a large number of non-key schools that have improved the overall level of running a school through the establishment of featured classes. However, as a short-term and low-calibre Class C school, Guangzhou Jiangnan Middle School has almost no English recommendation students and special life students. In six or seven years, the goal of basically achieving a school of English characteristics with all its influence has been rated as a school at the district level, and it has already had the strength to be promoted to a primary school in the city. This is indeed not easy. The characteristics of running the school have three distinctive features. Characteristic Education Moral Education First Jiangnan Middle School pays attention to the improvement of students’ moral character, personality, physique, knowledge and other qualities. Students are required to check themselves according to the “Standards for the Behavior of Middle School Students” and learn how to behave first. The students of special classes pay special attention to the cultivation of their psychological qualities. From the first day of entry into the specialty classes,
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著名记者Maggie Fox这回给我们带来了一则青少年看暴力电视的报道。有暴力成分的电视节目和游戏对青少年身心的危害并不是一个新的话题。但这次的跟踪调查明白无疑地告诉我们
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当今不论国际、国内,各地凡是有人群的地方,几乎每天都有名目各异的会议召开。然而,汉语的各种名目的会议,英语中也有其相应的表示法。现将常见的归纳如下: 1.meeting 会,会