The Cultural Influence of Animal Connotations on Chinese and English Brand Name Translation

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  Abstract:The cultural differences between Chinese and western countries have a significant impact on Chinese and English translation of brand names. And due to different customs,animals also have different connotations in China and western countries. This paper introduces the different connotations of animals and the cultural influences on Chinese and English brand name translation.
  Key words:animals connotations;cultural differences;brand name translation
  Animals play an important role in both China and western countries. But due to different customs,some animals have different connotative meanings in China and western countries. Thus,Chinese and English brand names show their tendency to different animals.
  Those animals that have the same connotative meanings can be directly translated into the target language. For example,熊貓牌(cigarette)is translated into Panda. Through literal translation,not only the spirit of the original brand names can be completely and correctly expressed,but also the translated brand names can arouse consumers’ interests in the products. But those animals that have different connotative meanings should be translated in other methods,such as free translation or creative translation. A important animal goat is regarded as timid,meek and learned people. While in English,there are three kinds of 羊. Goat is used to refer to lotharios;sheep means good people;lamb which often appears in the Bible refers to obedient people. One Chinese cashmere quilt brand name 山羊 was translated into Goats when the products were exported into UK. As a result,the products can not enjoy popularity due to the wrong word “goat”. There are more other examples such as 金鱼牌 Goldfish(lady bags),金鸡牌 Gold Rooster(shoe polish),鹿王牌 King Dear(cashmere sweater),红牛 Red Bull(beverage),七匹狼 Septwolve(men’s wear),天鹅牌 Swan(washing machine),Camel 骆驼(cigarette),Dove 德芙(chocolate),and Sherwood 狮龙(acoustics).
  Many misunderstandings have been made because translators know little about the connotative meanings of animals in different cultures. Thus,typical animals’ connotative meanings are summarized.
  All of animals listed in Table 3 have similar connotations in China and western countries,so those animals can be translated directly. For example,Lark is considered to be happy both in China and western countries,so百灵牌(musical instrument)is directly translated into Lark.
  Table 3
  Similar Connotations of the Same Animals
  animals connotations   pig dirty,lazy
  fox cunning
  donkey stubborn
  rat harmful,timid
  lark happy
  monkey naughty
  snake saponaceous
  Different from those animals with similar connotations in China and western countries,most animals have different connotative meanings. Some typical animals are listed in Table 4. For example,in China dragon is powerful,lucky and noble. Chinese people are tend to call themselves descendants of the dragon. However,in western countries,dragon is a fierce and cruel animal. Therefore,金龍牌(coach)is translated into King Long instead of King Dragon. Thus,those brand names shouldn’t be translated in literal translation.
  Table 4
  Different Connotations of the Same Animals
  animals connotations in China connotations in western countries
  dragon powerful,noble,lucky evil,fierce,cruel,covetous
  owl misfortune intelligence,wisdom
  bear inability talent,strong
  peacock beautiful arrogant,frivolous
  bat lucky unlucky,scary
  cricket sad happy
  petrel brave trouble
  bee busy unpleasant
  butterfly beauty,true love levity
  In China and western countries,different animals may have similar connotative meanings. Some animals are listed in table 5. For example,ox in Chinese people’s eyes is honest and hardworking,while in western countries ox can be divided into cow and bull. Cow has no special meaning and bull is the symbol of strength or recklessness. Horse has the same connotation with ox,because in ancient UK horse was used to plow in fields as ox was used to do it in China. After learned about this phenomenon,translators can replace one animal with another in brand name translation.
  Table 5
  Similar Connotations of Different Animals
  animals in China animals in western countries connotations
  ox horse honest,hardworking
  tiger lion brave,courageous
  elephant turtle longevity
  magpie sparrow gossip
  Because China has a 5000-year history,many animals exist in Chinese culture but not in western culture,which forms a vacancy of connotations of animals. For example,jade rabbit comes from a traditional Chinese tale,which stands for moon. However,in western countries there is only rabbit which is different from Chinese jade rabbit. For those animals,translators should translate their connotations directly.
  Table 6
  The Vacancy of Connotations of Animals
  animals connotations in China connotations in western countries   cuckoo(布谷鸟) sad,dismal No such meaning
  mandarin duck(鸳鸯) people in love No such meaning
  Jade Rabbit(玉兔) moon No such meaning
  In most circumstances,animals’ connotative meanings in different cultures are different. And translators should have a good understanding about them before they translate brand names,because as long as there is an animal name in brand names,what is emphasized is the connotative meaning not the denotative meaning. Therefore,successful translated brand names should not only convey the literal meaning but also the connotative meaning. If both sides can not be considered at the same time,the connotative meaning is more important.
  Samovar,L. A.,& Richard,E. P.(2000). Communication between Cultures. Beijing:Thomson Learning Asia and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
【摘要】“和谐”思想,是对中华民族五千年文明的继承与发展、它贯穿于中国社会发展的始终,不论是在古代还是现代,都起着中流砥柱的作用。在两千多年的历史长河中,中国的和谐思想十分丰富,尤其是作为主流文化的儒家文化,处处贯穿着“广大和谐”的基本精祌,其人人和谐、天人和一、身心和谐思想丰富深刻,对构建社会主义和谐社会,实现中国梦有着重要的借鉴意义。  【关键词】和谐思想 和谐社会 中国梦  一、儒家和谐思想
【摘要】阅读教学是语文教学的中心环节,培养阅读能力是语文教学的重要组成部分。拓展多种阅读途径、倡导自主阅读是提高语文教学质量的关键。  【关键词】阅读;教学;感悟    《课程标准》要求:“语文课程应培养学生热爱祖国语文的思想感情,指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国语言丰富语言的积累培养语感,发展思维,使他们具有适应实际需要的识字写字能力,阅读能力,写作能力,口语交际能力。”我认为新世纪阅读教学应该以读
美术特色活动是我园的园本课程。玩色是本次美术教研的主题。针对本次主题我设计了中班的美术活动-----《美丽的花朵》  通过教学后出现的问题有:  问题一:设计目标的的不合理。  《美丽的花朵》目标 1.通过欣赏大师作品、观察放大的花卉图片了解并学习色彩渐变的方法。2.尝试用饱满的构图和渐变的色彩画一朵自己喜欢的花卉。3.细致观察感受花卉的美,萌发热爱生活的情感。  幼儿园美术教育的目标指导着幼儿美
【摘要】这些年来,动漫产业的大力崛起,越来越多的青少年沉迷其中,在这同时忽略了对于经典的阅读。本文从对美国和日本动漫产業的分析,阐述了动漫不断发展的动力,从而反思对于经典,我们应该寻求怎样的道路,在借鉴动漫产业的基础上,吸收其中的精华部分,打破传统的发展思路,获得新生。  【关键词】动漫产业;宫崎骏;经典文化    动漫产业作为21世纪最有朝气的产业,不仅引起了业界的高度重视,与此同时,也引起了学
【摘要】学困生对数的感知,对文本的理解都是欠缺的,教师面对这样一部分学困生需要进行数的计算训练,算式的阅读,图形的阅读,文字含义的理解,尤其是文字功。而今中考压轴题篇幅较长有很多的信息量,有很多的数字,需要学生读懂字面意义,挖掘信息量,抽象数学关系、数学规律。因而在教学中培养学生数学阅读理解能力是数学教师的一项重要而艰巨的任务。    阅读是人们汲取、获得知识的重要手段,是学生获取知识,分析问题解
【摘要】新课程靠教师实施,在小学数学教学过程中教师起着主导作用。如何激发学生的求知欲和学习兴趣,是教学成功的一个突破口,体现在课堂上就是构建有效的教学模式。本文将对照小学数学教材的结构特点和知识的构成内容构建有效的教学模式进行探讨。  【关键词】构建;小学数学;有效;教学模式    教学模式是构成课程和作业,选择教材,提示教师活动的一种范式或计划。但切忌“公式化”而失去灵活性。构成课堂教学的主要因
学生的养成教育,是学校通过对学生自理能力和卫生习惯的培养这两方面进行的具体活动。在具体的实践中,根据学校的实际,利用寝室、食堂、劳动实践基地对学生进行具体的指导,逐步提高学生的自理能力和卫生习惯。下面结合我在实际工作中,谈谈我对学校养成教育的认识:  一、养成教育的意义  1.有利于学生成才和成人。培根说,习惯是顽强的巨大力量,可以主宰人的人生。叶圣陶说,教育是什么,往简单方面说教育就是培养学生的