近来,IT业又流传着一个新名词Tablet PC,翻译过来就是平板个人电脑,也有人称它为“写字板电脑”。自从2000年11月,微软公司在CDMDEX展会上展示了便携式平板电脑样品之后,微软公司董事会主席比尔·盖茨在2001年12月于美国拉斯维加斯举行的计算机商业博览会上再次宣传了Tablet PC的概念,声称这种将笔记本电脑和个人数字电
Recently, the IT industry has spread a new term Tablet PC, translate it is a tablet PC, some people call it “Tablet PC.” Since November 2000 when Microsoft showed samples of its portable tablet at the CDMDEX show, Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft’s board of directors, re-announced the Tablet at the Computer Commerce Expo in Las Vegas in December 2001 PC concept, claiming that this will be laptop and personal digital