池大雅(Ikeno Taiga1723—1776)是日本江户中期著名文人画家,出生在京都。名勤、无名,字公敏、子职、贷成,通称秋平,别号霞樵、竹居等。自幼喜欢书法,后自学中国明清画谱。以他在汉诗书画方面的造诣,融和了日本传统绘画,形成了自己独特的风格,并倡导出日本文人画发展真正的黄金时代。其文人画作品有《楼阁山水图》《山水人物图》《十便帖》等。[1]《楼阁山水图》,纸本六条屏,作于1760年前
Ikeno Taiga (1723-1776) is a famous Japanese scholar of Edo period painter, was born in Kyoto. Name diligence, nameless, the word public sensitive, sub-office, loan into, commonly known as autumn level, alias Xiaqiao, Zhuju and so on. I like calligraphy since childhood, after learning Chinese Ming and Qing painting. With his accomplishments in Chinese calligraphy and painting, he blends Japanese traditional painting with his own unique style and advocates the real golden age of Japanese literati painting. Works of his literati are “landscape pavilion”, “landscape figures”, “ten posts” and so on. [1] “Pavilions landscape map”, six paper screen, made before 1760