您听过一位指挥员竟在三天之内,于同一地点连续两次伏击同一个强敌的战例吗?那就是举世闻名的军事家刘伯承元帅。 1937年10月,日军占领石家庄后,挟其余威,集中二十、一0九两个精锐师团的兵力,沿正太铁路西犯,妄图一举攻取太原,掠夺山西的煤炭资源,瓦解国共两党的晋北抗日联盟。国民党军队不敢迎战,仓皇溃退。八路军一二九师在师长刘伯承率领下,挥戈东进,要给来犯之敌以迎头痛击。国民党第二战区副司令长官卫立煌上将闻悉刘师奋进,顿感惊诧和内疚,与刘通话说,国民党正规军装备好,熟悉阵地战术,如孙连仲、
Have you ever heard a commander ambush the same strong enemy twice in the same spot in three days? That is the world-famous militaryist Marshal Liu Bocheng. In October 1937, after the Japanese occupation of Shijiazhuang, the remaining Japanese troops were concentrating on the strengths of the 20th and 109th elite divisions. They were convicted along the west side of the Zhengtai Railway. They attempted to capture Taiyuan, plunder Shanxi’s coal resources, and dismantle the KMT’s two parties. Jinbei Anti-Japanese Alliance. The Kuomintang’s army did not dare to fight and it collapsed. The 127th Division of the Eighth Route Army, under the command of Liu Bocheng, the commander of the Eighth Route Army, marched eastward to attack the enemies. General Wei Lihuang, the deputy commander of the second battle area of the Kuomintang’s second theater, read about Liu Shijin’s advancement and felt shocked and guilty. He spoke with Liu and said that the KMT’s regular army is equipped and familiar with the tactics of the position, such as Sun Lianzhong,