谢枋得的思想品质被后人称为“叠山精神” ,其内涵包括 :誓死抗元的爱国精神 ;关心百姓的爱民精神 ;敬老爱幼的孝慈精神 ;不慕名利的廉洁精神 ;坚强不屈的奋斗精神。“叠山精神”属于中华民族的优秀传统文化 ,必须得到充分的继承和弘扬
The quality of thought Xie Xiede was later known as the “Dieshan Spirit”. Its connotation includes: the patriotic spirit of vowing to fight the anti-Yuan; the loving-minded spirit of caring for the common people; the filial piety spirit of respecting the elder who loves the old; the honest spirit of not seeking fame and fortune; The spirit of struggle. The “Die-Hill Spirit” belongs to the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and must be fully inherited and promoted