据《人民法院报》报道,在广东省第十届人大二次会议上,袁古洁等11名代表提出《关于打破法官任命中的地方主义,提高地方各级法院院长、副院长任职 条件的议案》。该议案指出一个弊端:根据修改后的《法官法》规定,初任法官必 须经过国家统一司法考试,但担任地方各级法院院长、副院长等职务则不必经过考试,也不要求必须从法官中选任。因此,一些不具备法律教育背景和缺少法律实践经验的干部,也被任命为法院院长、副院长,成为法官的管理者。
According to “People’s Court Newspaper”, at the Second Session of the Tenth NPC in Guangdong Province, 11 representatives including Yuan Gujie put forward the proposal of “breaking the localism in the appointment of judges and raising the terms of office of the dean and vice president of the local courts motion”. The bill pointed out a drawback. According to the amended Judicial Law, a first-time judge must pass a national judicial examination of the state. However, assuming the position of president, vice-president and other deputies of a local court does not have to pass the examination nor does it require that judges must be removed from the judge In the election. Therefore, some cadres who do not have the legal education background and lack legal experience have also been appointed as court chiefs and vice presidents and as judges’ administrators.