(2006年3月28日)通过Joga TV(用于传播美丽足球理念的电视台),埃里克·坎通纳呼唤美丽足球的坚定声音已经遍布在全世界的各个角落。技巧,荣誉,快乐,全情投入和团队精神是Joga Bonito美丽足球的真正含义,在耐克最新拍摄的5个广告片中,小罗,亨利,鲁尼等世界上最优秀的足球运动员们将用自己的方式为所有热爱足球的人们诠释Joga Bonito的真正内涵。小罗儿童时代在Porto Alegre玩Futsal的景象在“快乐”广告片中真实再现,这段珍贵的录像告诉我们,无论是那个身体瘦弱的足球小子还是今天赛场上巴西、巴塞罗那的世界超级球星,罗纳尔迪尼奥对足球那种纯真的快乐永远不会改变。另人陶醉的技术,出色的平衡感以及桑巴式的庆祝动作都源于他的童年,并不断延续至今。
(March 28, 2006) With Erica Cantona’s strong voice calling for beautiful football across all corners of the globe, with Joga TV, a television station used to spread the idea of beautiful football. Tricks, honor, joy, dedication and team spirit are the true meanings of Joga Bonito’s beautiful football. Among the five commercials Nike recently produced, Ronaldinho, Henry, Rooney and other world-class football players will use their own Way for all people who love football Joga Bonito interpretation of the true meaning. The scene of Ronaldinho playing Futsal at Porto Alegre is vividly reproduced in the “Happy” commercial. This precious video tells us that neither the thin football kid nor the world superstar of Barcelona and Barcelona in today’s arena , Ronaldinho’s pure happiness of football will never change. The other intoxicated technology, excellent sense of balance and samba-style celebration stems from his childhood and continues to this day.