194 1年 8月 14日 ,罗斯福与丘吉尔在纽芬兰海面的一艘军舰上会晤 ,随后发表了有名的“大西洋宪章”,英美逐渐接近 ,把德国作为共同的敌人。 9月2 4日 ,苏联政府发表声明 ,表示支持宪章精神。 194 2年元旦 ,美、英、苏、中等 2 6个国家在华盛顿签署了《联合国家宣言》,以英、美
194 On August 14, 2001, Roosevelt and Churchill met on a warship off the coast of Newfoundland, and later released the famous Atlantic Charter. The United States and Britain gradually approached and regarded Germany as their common enemy. On September 24, the Soviet government issued a statement expressing its support for the Charter. 194 New Year’s Day, 2002, United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and the Middle East 26 countries signed the “Declaration of the United Nations” in Washington, England and the United States