1 临床资料患者,男,66岁,病案号:117113,因骨盆骨折, 膀胱造瘘于2004年4月16日收本院泌尿外科住院。患者2004年1月30日因车祸致骨盆骨折,排尿极度困难,行膀胱造瘘术后2月余。既往体健。入院查体:T:36.6℃ P:84次//min R:21次/min BP:110/70mmHg。无性病、糖尿病史,无肝炎、结核、伤寒等传染病史。无食物及其它药物过敏史, 无疫区居留史。入院后第1天给予A:氟罗沙星注射液0.4g加入5%葡萄糖注射液500ml稀释后静滴,每日一次。 B:维生素C注射液2.5g加入5%葡萄糖注射液 250ml稀释后静滴,每日一次。至第4天另给予C: 血塞通冻干粉针剂(络泰)400mg加入5%葡萄糖注
1 Clinical data Patients, male, 66 years old, the case number: 117113, due to pelvic fractures, bladder fistula in April 16, 2004 admission hospital urology hospitalization. Patients on January 30, 2004 caused by pelvic fracture accidents, urinating extremely difficult, more than 2 months after the line of bladder ostomy. Past physical health. Admission examination: T: 36.6 ℃ P: 84 times / min R: 21 times / min BP: 110 / 70mmHg. No history of sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, no hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoid and other infectious diseases. No food and other drug allergy history, no epidemic area residence history. On the first day after admission, the patients were given A: 0.4ml of fleroxacin injection and 500ml of 5% dextrose injection diluted intravenously once daily. B: Vitamin C injection 2.5g 5% glucose injection 250ml diluted intravenous infusion once daily. To the other day to give C: Xuesaitong freeze-dried powder (Lo Tai) 400mg added 5% glucose injection