Promote Financial Services and Safeguard Enterprises “Going Global” with "Cross-border Loan&quo

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  As the global financial crisis spread, financial services exhibition and China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Financial Cooperation & Development started to be held based on the Agreement of Trade in Services since the 6th CAEXPO of 2009. Five years have passed and China-ASEAN financial cooperation has been developed continuously, safeguarding the development of enterprises from both sides. The CAEXPO, which has been successfully held for 11 years, is undoubtedly one of the best platforms to promote financial cooperation and deepen economic and trade cooperation.
  Emerge as the Times Require
  Finance is the blood of modern economy. In recent years, foreign investment has witnessed rapid development of Chinese enterprises. However, a number of Chinese enterprises have been plagued by financial issues when going global. The increasing close economic and trade ties between China and ASEAN also raise a higher demand to financial services. Governments, financial regulators, financial institutions and non-financial enterprises from both China and ASEAN countries all need to accelerate the pace of financial cooperation.
  In this context, in order to better serve the construction of CAFTA, support Chinese enterprises to make use of the CAEXPO as the ASEAN-oriented investment platform and help solve the investment and financing problems for overseas Chinese enterprises, the first China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Financial Cooperation & Development was born at the 6th CAEXPO in October 2009.
  Be Held on Regular Basis with New Features
  Financial forum and financial services exhibition have been successfully held for six years, which add more practical content and new features each year.
  2014 was the opening year of China-ASEAN “Diamond Decade” and borderland comprehensive financial reform. To further deepen bilateral financial cooperation and raise the level of bilateral trade and investment facilitation, the 6th China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Financial Cooperation & Development themed the “cross-border RMB business innovation” was held in the 11th CAEXPO. During the Forum, financial institutions like BOC and ABOC released currency trading index of China and ASEAN countries. Also, the opening ceremony for currency exchange service between China and eight ASEAN countries was held by ABOC, providing China and ASEAN better financial support for economic and trade cooperation.
  It is worth mentioning that as an important part of cross-border RMB business innovation, cross-border loan has successfully landed in Guangxi. On September 19, 2014, China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park signed loan contracts with BOC Malaysia Branch and obtained a loan of 30 million yuan for the project construction of the standardized plant (phase I), which is the first cross-border RMB loan in Guangxi.   Moreover, ICBC Singapore Branch, BOC Thailand Branch and CCB Singapore Branch signed cross-border RMB loan agreement with Guangxi Investment Group Co., Ltd., Guangxi Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Guangxi Fangyuan Electric Power Co., Ltd., Guangxi Jingui Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. and Qinzhou Port Group Co., Ltd. respectively in November 2014, with a total amount of 770 million yuan.
  With the accelerated pace of RMB internalization, major financial institutions will continue to use the CAEXPO as the platform to open a path of “monetary circulation” for cross-border trading and connectivity between Chinese and ASEAN enterprises.
  Help Enterprises “Going Global”
  Meanwhile, the CAEXPO constantly improves financial services, encourages the cooperation between enterprises and financial institutions, providing “going global” enterprises with financial support.
  In the 11th CAEXPO, as the only invited Chinese stock-holding bank, China Minsheng Bank Nanning Branch displayed its structural trade financing products, such as, loans for overseas investment and foreign project contracting buy/seller credit, which all aim to help internationalize private enterprises. The bank also made intensive exploration on financing problems for private enterprises to “go global”, which is highly regarded by participants enterprises.
  China Minsheng Bank, a joint-equity commercial bank in China, is an early supporter of Chinese enterprises, especially private enterprises who “go global”. It set up the first overseas branch in Hong Kong, and then established the second one in Singapore and launched overseas investment and financing business to support private enterprises to go global. In the field of mining industry, its overseas investment projects have been expanded to five continents. Export-oriented industries like photovoltaic, oil and gas have taken on a new look, which are led by overseas investment loans; The bank also has large market share in areas such as new energy, new materials and high-end mechanized equipment. It will also actively explore new markets, open up overseas bank cooperation channels, and rely on trade finance services, provide enterprises and its counterparts with comprehensive financial services solutions like merger and acquisition loans and cross-border RMB settlement.
  China Minsheng Bank is one of banks that debut successfully at the CAEXPO. Well-known financial institutions including BOC and ICBC also actively showed exhibitors their financial policies, scope of business, service concepts, as well as preferential policies and measures which help Chinese enterprises “go global”. By virtue of the CAEXPO, it is believed that China-ASEAN financial cooperation will scale new height and safeguard enterprises to "go global".
木艺雕刻、室内装饰精巧别致,传统家具、现代家具争奇斗艳,在2015年3月3-7日举行的亚洲家具采购节暨第二十一届马来西亚国际家具展览会(MIFF)上,愈500家来自12个国家及地区的国际参展商齐聚马来西亚吉隆坡,展示国际家具的最新趋势和产品。  由马来西亚家具同业联合总会和马来西亚家具工业总会联合主办的MIFF是东南亚最大的家具商贸平台,也是马来西亚家具走向世界的一个重要窗口。经过几十年的发展,马
2015年2月17日,马来西亚《南洋商报》发表专栏文章称,当前全球清真产品市场商机巨大,马来西亚在清真认证及产业发展方面优势明显,马来西亚和中国应加强合作,共同开拓全球清真市场。  近年来,中国的清真业发展迅猛,然而缺乏知名品牌、产品国际公认度不高等问题一直成为中国清真食品进军国际市场的绊脚石。而马来西亚在清真认证工作上却有着较成熟的体系,且在国际上具有较高的信誉,此次《南洋商报》的倡议可谓是为正
展会信息  2015中国—东盟博览会泰国展  2015年是中泰建交40周年,泰国也是第12届中国—东盟博览会主题国。为不断深化中国与泰国的经贸合作关系,服务中国企业积极开拓泰国市场,扩大与泰国的贸易,提升双边经贸合作水平,中国—东盟博览会秘书处和广西壮族自治区商务厅拟于4月2-4日在泰国联合举办“2015中国—东盟博览会泰国展”。现将参展有关事宜公告如下:  一、展览概况  名称:2015中国—东
长期以来,广西只是利用地方资源发展产业方式,区位与产业之间存在错配现象。但广西是沿海延边的开放地区,区位价值的发挥应该成为产业布局与发展的重要影响因素。  在此背景下,广西大学商学院经济研究中心副主任、博士生导师张林教授认为,广西北部湾经济区应该借助当前深化改革的“东风”,重点发展经济区内的南宁高新技术开发区、钦州保税港区、中马钦州产业园等特色园区,并着重发展出口加工导向型产业、物流产业、海洋产业
马来西亚拥有长达 4800 公里的海岸线,向来以美丽的岛屿及海滩而闻名世界。西接马六甲海峡,东临南中国海,西北有安达曼海;在碧绿湛蓝的海水下,还蕴藏着珍贵的自然宝藏,多彩缤纷的珊瑚礁以及丰富的海洋生物,都等待您一一去发掘。  热浪岛·海洋之心  热浪岛(Pulau Redang)是马来西亚公认最美丽的岛屿之一,距离马来西亚瓜拉登嘉楼岸外大约 50 公里,因全岛形状似心型而被冠以“海洋之心”的美称。
2015年初,羊年的喜庆还未褪去,对中国光伏企业来说,却是别有一番滋味在心头。2月初,美国商务部公布了对华光伏“双反” (反倾销、反补贴)的终裁结果。这是继2012年对中国光伏产品征收“双反”关税后,美国对华光伏实行的新一轮“双反”。此次“双反”预计使得中国光伏企业逾20-30亿美元的出口额受损。  除了美国对中国光伏进行“双反”制裁外,近几年来,欧盟、加拿大等国际市场也对中国光伏实行了不同程度的
2014年8月,中国与东盟就中国—东盟自贸区升级版建设达成共识;9月开始了第一轮升级版谈判;11月11日,泰国《民意报》刊登中国国务院总理李克强《携手开创中国—东盟关系美好未来》的文章,文中表示将力争在2015年底前,如期完成中国—东盟自贸区升级版和区域全面经济伙伴关系(RCEP)等区域自贸谈判,进一步提高地区贸易投资自由化和便利化水平,推进东亚经济一体化。  2015已经到来,自贸区升级版谈判的